You will create an organizational chart for the HIM department. Use Microsoft org chart templates for this work there are templates in Word Smart Art, Publisher, Word, or Powepoint. In creating the org chart you will identify the positions and function of each position. You will identify organizational relationships within the department and between other departments. Ask if an org chart already exists that you can use to help you complete YOUR OWN chart. It is not acceptable to attach work done by others – this is your assignment to create. Note: Some older organizational charts provided by the site may not accurately represent the chain of command, so you must take the time to be sure of your entries by looking at the reporting structure within the department.
You want to create an accurate and current org chart of the HIM area. Be sure to include the following:
Org chart title Job titles for each major division/function and person’s name that performs the function. Include both FTEs and PT employees in the chart. Show lines of authority (who reports to who)
On a separate sheet, describe in the responsibilities of each position on the chart.
A description of 3 or 4 sentences is enough.
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