You are planning a dream vacation where you get to leave from home, visit 4 different cities one time each, and then return home. After choosing the cities, research the costs to travel between each pair of cities. Draw a complete, weighted graph which includes the cities (all 5) and the costs of traveling between them. Then, use the brute force method to determine the most cost-effective vacation. Additionally, use the nearest neighbor method to approximate the cheapest vacation. To get another approximation, use the cheapest-link algorithm. (You will have 3 answers: 1 exact and 2 approximate.) Compute the difference between the exact solution found in the brute force method and the approximate solution found in the nearest neighbor method. Also, compute the difference between the exact solution found by brute force and the approximate solution found by cheapest-link. (You will have 2 answers.) Be sure to show all of your work, and have fun dreaming of places to go! From your weighted graph for the dream vacation in #2, make a minimum-cost spanning tree and give the sum.
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