World War II actually had a positive effect on the modern safety and health movement. During the war, there was a shortage of able-bodied skilled workers in factories supporting the war effort because most of these workers were in the armed services. Consequently preserving the safety and health of the relatively few skilled workers still available was paramount. The law of demand and supply suddenly made workplace safety a significant issue, which it still is today. The military war is over, but the economic war still rages. To be competitive in this international conflict, employers today must follow the lead of their predecessors during World War II and protect their employees.
Against this pretext:
a) Select a case
b) Describe unexpected insight into the selected case.
c) Question the law of demand and supply.
d) Weigh the behavioral reasoning theory in the context of the selected case.
e) Investigate, observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry into the economic war.