• Why Study Information Security?
• Why do you think the TCP/IP (Internet) model is more widely used than the OSI model?
• Discuss two drawbacks of IPv4 and how IPv6 addresses those drawbacks.
• Describe the SYN flag and how it is used in the three-way handshake.
• Describe how a computer uses its ARP table and the ARP protocol when preparing to transmit a packet to the local network.
• How does the ability to provide power to a network device using a network cable affect the placement of that device?
• Explain the challenges of securing mobile devices, and how this challenge has been dealt with historically.
• What are the differences between an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)? Can they both work together to protect the same network?
• Discuss how you might remove botnet software from a network computer. What steps would you take first? How could you identify which host was a member of the botnet if a medium to large network was involved?
• Assume your organization has a perimeter firewall that protects access to the entire network. Do you consider it a good idea to install a personal firewall in each workstation and server in the internal network? Justify your answer.
• Why is it important to install all patches and updates for the operating systems in your bastion hosts? How can you automate this process on a Windows-based environment?
• What is the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard? How can it help you manage your firewall’s log files?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of hiring an external firm to inspect your audit logs?
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