What are the characteristics of your hard disk? To find out, right-click the My Computer, Computer or This PC icon on the Windows desktop, Click Open on the shortcut menu. Right-click the hard disk C: icon and choose the Properties option on the shortcut menu.
If necessary, click the General Tab and then answer the following questions:
How much of the hard disk is Used Space? How much of the hard disk is Free Space? What is the Total Capacity of the hard disk? If you are low on Free Space, consider running the Disk Cleanup tool. Attach a Word document with a screen print of the Properties dialog box in addition to typing in the answers to the questions above. Close the Hard disk Properties dialog box and the Computer/This PC window. If you have a Mac computer, click on the hard drive icon to select it, go to the file menu and select Get Info. You should see the Capacity, Available and used disk space. Attach a Word document with a screen print of this information in addition to typing in the answers to the questions and then close the Get Info window.
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