Warren buffet, the bilionnaire investor and berkshire hathaway ceo, is a welcome speaker about career success. in a live stream video chat with a career advice site, buffet gave advice often heard from successful businesspeople about finding one’s passion and learning how to communicate effectively. he shared that, as a student he had been terrified of public speaking, but that a dale Carnegie class changed his life. Furthermore, buffet recommended finding and associating with the right role models. he advised women to “stop holding yourself back” and to seek male mentors. Moreover, he recommended becoming involved with growing businesses because they offer more opportunities than established businesses do. more remarkable perhaps is buffet’s advice not to work for someone who won’t pay employees fairly and to “never give up searching for the job that you’re passionate about.” he added: “forget about the pay. when you’re associating with the people that you love, doing what you love, it doesn’t get any better than that.” buffet says he reads six hours every day to grow intellectually.
Consider questions such as:
Do you agree or disagree with his advice? Support your viewpoint.
How much of buffet’s advice can you apply immediately?
What can you do in the medium or long term to apply his advice?
Discuss the issues of fair play and being passionate about work.
Do you think many people enjoy the work they do?
Is it necessary to love one’s work to do it well?
Reflecting back on your own experiences, have you always enjoyed every aspect of your job?
How do you define success and happiness as it relates to working/having a job?
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