Using a business that provides tutoring services (Math $200 per lesson – Science $200 per lesson – English $200 per session) and was given $100k from an investor for 40% of the company, determine the following:
- Develop a 3-year sales forecast for each product of your business.
- Develop an operating budget for your business.
- Develop cash flow, profit and loss, balance sheet, and break-even analysis forecast projections for your business.
- Determine the return on investment for any angel investor.
- Determine and plan the financial operations of your business.
- Conduct an analysis to determine the risk to the virtual business. Devise a plan to mitigate identified risks.
The business has 5 employees, each paid as part-time employees (no insurance or benefits) at a rate of $50 per hour for 5 hours of work per week. The business is estimated to generate 15 hours of tutoring per week in year one, then double in year two and three.