Two different technicians (Tech A and Tech B) each measured the cardiac output for a sample of 26 patients using Doppler Echocardiography. The supervisor would like to use this paired data to assess inter-rater reliability by testing if the population mean difference in cardiac output is 0 (no difference on average) versus the alternative that there is a difference. The hypotheses to be tested are: Ho: pd = 0 versus H 0 : µ d = 0 versus H a : µ d = 0 using a 10% significance level.
The sample mean difference in cardiac output (Tech A less Tech B) was 1.8 standard errors above 0. Provide a complete sketch of the p-value that the supervisor can include in her report. You can use the p-value shiny app which will give the exact p-value (and allow you to add your name to the graph when you type ‘y’ to save the graph to your desktop), or make a complete by hand sketch and provide the p-value (bounds). Make sure to include a title for and include your name with your graph.