* This program determines if all integer elements in a two-dimensional array are identical
* For example, in the 2D array ( 3 rows X 4 columns) :
* 7 7 7 7
* 7 7 7 7
* 7 7 7 7
* all elements are equal to 7
* In the 2D array (3 rows X 2 columns):
* 3 3
* 3 5
* 3 3
* one element is 5 and the others are 3 therefore the array is not all equal
public class AllEqual2D
Determines if all integer elements in a two-dimensional array are identical
@param values two-dimensional array to be examined
@return true if all values identical, false otherwise
public static boolean equal values(int[][] values)
boolean ok = true;
//———–Start below here. To do: approximate lines of code = 1
// Declare an int variable called elem and initialize it to values[0][0];
//—————–End here. Reminder: no changes outside the todo regions.
//———–Start below here. To do: approximate lines of code = 6
// Use a nested for loop (i.e. two for loops, one inside the other) that goes through
// each integer element stored in the 2D array values[][] and compares each to elem
// As soon as one comparison is false then return false. If all comparisons are true then
// the loops finish and outside of the nested loops, return true.
// Hint: values.length stores the number of rows in the 2D array, values[i].length stores the
// number of elements in row i
return false;//ok = false;
//—————–End here. Please do not remove this comment. Reminder: no changes outside the todo regions.
public static void main(String[] args)
int[][] array1 = { {0, 4, 5}, {2, 4, 9}, {0, 2, 7}, {7, 3, 6} };
int[][] array2 = { {4, 4, 4}, {4, 4, 4}, {4, 4, 4}, {4, 4, 4} };
if (equalValues(array1))
System.out.println(“All values in array1 are identical”);
if (equalValues(array2))
System.out.println(“All values in array2 are identical”);
System.out.println(“Expected:All values in array2 are identical”);
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