There are three seating categories at a stadium. For a softball game, Class A seats cost $15, Class B seats cost $12, and Class C seats cost $9.
Design a modular program that asks how many tickets for each class of seats were sold, and then displays the amount of income generated from ticket sales.
You will only write the javascript for the assignment as the pseudocode will be provided for you in this
Function main()
// get number of tickets for each class
Integer classATickets = getTicketsForClass(“A”)
Integer classBTickets = getTicketsForClass(“B”)
Integer classCTickets = getTicketsForClass(“C”)
// get income for each ticket class
Integer classAIncome = calculateIncome(classATickets,15)
Integer classBIncome = calculateIncome(classBTickets,12)
Integer classCIncome = calculateIncome(classCTickets,9)
Integer total = classAIncome + classBIncome + classCIncome
Display “Total income: ” + total
End Function
Function getTicketsForClass(String letter)
Display “How many tickets for class ” + letter + ” seats?”
Integer ticketCount = Input
return ticketCount
End Function
Function calculateIncome(Integer ticketCount, Float ticketCost)
return ticketCount * ticketCost
End Function
// call main to start program