The Transplant Committee wants to gain a better understanding of those who opt to be an organ donor upon their death.
Data set: Ch 12 – Exercise 09B.sav
Variable: Organ_donor
Definition: [Outcome] Likelihood that the person will be an organ donor?
Type: Continuous (0 = Would not be an organ donor . . . 100 = Would willingly be an organ donor)
Variable: Gender
Definition: [Predictor] Gender
Type: Categorical (0 = Female, 1 = Male)
Variable: Age
Definition: [Predictor] Age
Type: Continuous
Variable: Religion
Definition: [Predictor] Religion
Type: Categorical (0 = Atheist, 1 = Buddhist, 2 = Catholic, 3 = Hindu, 4 = Jewish, 5 = Other)
Variable: SES
Definition: [Predictor] Socioeconomic status
Type: Categorical (0 = Lower class, 1 = Middle class, 2 = Upper class)
This data set contains two polychotomous predictor variables (Religion and SES), which are represented by the corresponding dummy-coded variables. Follow this load procedure:
1. Move Organ_donor into the Dependent box.
2. Move Gender and Age into the Independent(s) box.
3. Set Method to Forward.
4. Click Next.
5. Move Religion.1, Religion.2, Religion.3, Religion.4, Religion.5, into the Independent(s) box.
6. Click Next.
7. Move SES.1, and SES.2 into the Independent(s) box.
a. Write the hypotheses.
b. Run each criterion of the pretest checklist (sample size, normality, multicollinearity) and discuss your findings.
c. Run the multiple regression analysis and document your findings (overall R2, R2 change of statistically significant predictors, hypotheses resolution).
d. Write an abstract under 200 words detailing a summary of the study, the multiple regression analysis results, hypothesis resolution, and implications of your findings.
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