The Online police department was asked by the mayor’s office to estimate the cost of crime to citizens of Online. The police began their study with the crime of identity theft, taking a random sample of files (there is too much crime to calculate the statistics for all the crimes committed). They found the average dollar loss in an identity theft was $7000, with a standard deviation of $2000, and that the dollar loss was normally distributed. (Use this information for the following 3 questions. Again, calculate a z-score, and then use a table or app to figure out the percentage. Some apps will do it all for you if you enter the mean and standard deviation.) In this sample, taken from Home Depot Online this week:
a) What proportion of identity thefts had dollar losses below $5000?
b) In the same sample above, what percentage of identity thefts have dollar losses between $10,000 and $12,000?
c) Find the dollar value for which only for 0.00135 of losses are as high or higher.
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