The following information about Stock A & Stock B is given:
Stock A |
Stock B |
Expected return |
.10 |
.12 |
Standard deviation |
.11 |
.219 |
Market beta |
1.2 |
.80 |
a. The returns of Stock A and Stock B are highly negatively correlated. If Stock A and Stock B are combined into a 50:50 (A:B) portfolio, the expected return on the portfolio in decimal form rounded to the nearest .001 will be __________
b. The returns of Stock A and Stock B are highly negatively correlated. If Stock A and Stock B are combined into a 50:50 (A:B) portfolio the portfolio beta rounded to the nearest .001 will be __________
c. The returns of Stock A and Stock B are highly negatively correlated. If Stock A and Stock B are combined in a 50:50 (A:B) portfolio the portfolio standard deviation in decimal form rounded to the nearest .001 would be __________ Multiple choice:
Less than 0.11
Cannot be determined from the information
Greater than .219
Between 0.11 and .219
d. The returns of Stock A and Stock B are highly negatively correlated. If Stock A and Stock B are combined in a 50:50 (A:B) portfolio the standard deviation of the portfolio in decimal form rounded to the nearest .001 would be __________
Multiple choice:
Cannot be determined from the information
Between .11 and .219
Greater than .219
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