Stephanie had long dreamed of opening a decorating business and had even gone as far as to put together a business plan. Recently she had helped her friend, Victoria, decorate her house and Victoria had been effusive with her praise at the excellent job Stephanie had done, “Stephanie, why are you wasting your talents working in that bank? You should be decorating full time. I know you are considering it; what are you waiting for?”
Stephanie sighed, “I’d love to do it, but I simply can’t get enough money saved to quit my job and get started. I’ve got a little over half of what I think I’ll need, according to the business plan I’ve written, but it’s going to take years to raise the rest of that from what I can set aside. I thought about maxing out my credit cards, but even that’s not enough. I guess I’ll have to wait until I win the lottery or something.”
Victoria replied, “You know that Small Business class I took last fall? Well, one thing I learned is that there are a number of ways to get that cash without having to raise it on your own. Let me tell you about the three major ways and their pros and cons.”
What is Victoria going to tell Stephanie?