Spectra of hydrogen-Iike atoms are classified in terms of electron transitions to a common lower energy level.
a. All transitions from energy levels n = 2, 3, to n = 1 (the K shell) are labeled K lines and con-stitute the Lyman series. The spectral line corresponding to the smallest energy difference (n = 2 to n = 1) is labeled the Ka line, next is labeled Kβ, and so on. The transition from n = ∞ to n = 1 has the largest energy difference and defines the greatest photon energy (shortest wavelength) in the K series; hence it is called the absorption edge Kae. What is the range of wavelengths for the K lines? What is Kae? Where are these lines with respect to the visible spectrum?
b. All transitions from energy levels n = 3, 4, to n = 2 (L shell) are labeled L lines and constitute the Balmer series. What is the range of wavelengths for the L lines (i.e., La and Lae)? Are these in the visible range?
c. All transitions from energy levels n = 4, 5, to n = 3 (M shell) are labeled M lines and constitute the Paschen series. What is the range of wavelengths for the M lines? Are these in the visible range?
d. How would you expect the spectral lines to depend on the atomic number Z?