RSER201CE-24-10-CT-G1 / Assignment 3: Information Package (Upload here)
Assignment 3: Information Package (Upload here)
Assignment 3-Information Package
You will design and develop an information package for parents.
Your information package will give an overview of some of the local, provincial, and national supports for each of the 3 exceptionalities discussed in this course: ASD, FASD, and EBD.
The package will include names of relevant organizations, addresses, contact information including web addresses and a brief description of each organization and the supports and services they provide.
You are scored using a marking guide.
For each of the three levels of services, local, provincial, and national, you will provide descriptions of the supports and/or services for each of the three exceptionalities. You will include contact information and brief descriptions.
Five possible marks for each criteria. The total possible is 25 marks.
The marking guide and three samples/ exemplars are available on Moodle.
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