Refer to Problem 25 of Chapter 4. Use the function file created for that problem to generate a surface mesh plot and a contour plot of x versus h and W for 0 ≤ W ≤ 500 N and for 0 ≤ h ≤ 2 m. Use the values k1 = 104 N/m, k2 = 1.5 × 104 N/m, and d = 0.1 m.
Problem 25
Figure P25 is a representation of an electrical system with a power supply and a load. The power supply produces the fixed voltage υ1 and supplies the current i1 required by the load, whose voltage drop is υ2. The current voltage relationship for a specific load is found from experiments to be
Suppose that the supply resistance is R1 = 30Ω and the supply voltage is υ1 = 15 V. To select or design an adequate power supply, we need to determine how much current will be drawn from the power supply when this load is attached. Find the voltage drop υ2 as well.
Figure P25