Good morning, everyone! I know this is a stressful week with your PowerPoint Negotiation of the Nurse Practitioner Contract Presentation, clinical practicum, and knowledge check. So take a deep breath, and let’s put our heads together. The good news is that we are at the halfway point right now. Fantastic! But I know that it can get extra stressful right at midway. You have a lot going on this quarter, and I know it feels like a push to get through the last class or two, so hang in there. As professors and instructors, we aim to ensure you are properly prepared to practice as a Nurse Practitioner. Remember this.

This is a great module for the next three weeks. You will focus on disease processes in the musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrine, and dermatological systems and common mental health concerns. You will also complete a Knowledge Check on each week’s content and two additional Comprehensive Practice Questions that may pull from any area of NP knowledge.

Here is the Assignment: If you could work at the practice of your dreams, what would that look like? How would you negotiate that dream job contract?

Graduating from nurse practitioner school is an exciting time of accomplishment. However, it’s also time to turn dreams into reality and begin your search for the perfect job. Being passionate about the specialty you would like to go into and the impact you would like to have on your community and profession are all important aspects of landing a job. After all, attitude can be everything to a future employer. Still, there are some things to

consider before your job search and interview: The type of practice that would work best for you (and your family), and the position contract you will negotiate.

For this assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint Presentation (8-10 slides) answering the questions listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment. The presentation will be recorded in your own words as if you were presenting it to your instructor.



If you could work at the practice of your dreams, what would that look like? How would you negotiate that dream job contract?

Graduating from nurse practitioner school is an exciting time of accomplishment. However, it’s also time to turn dreams into reality and begin your search for the perfect job. Being passionate about the specialty you would like to go into, and the impact you would like to have on your community and profession are all important aspects of landing a job. After all, attitude can be everything to a future employer, but there are some things to consider before your job search and interview: The type of practice that would work best for you (and your family), and the position contract you will negotiate.

For this assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint Presentation (8-10 slides) answering the questions listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment. The presentation is to be recorded in your own words, as if you were presenting it to your instructor. You are to use the audio produced by PowerPoint and not an Mp3 file.

You are to follow the 10/20/30 rule for presentations: no more than 10 slides, presentation not longer than 20 minutes, and text is not lower than 30-point font.

Submit the recorded PowerPoint presentation. (This assignment does not need to be submitted through Turnitin) but you must have a reference slide to support your thoughts and ideas.

For Part 1 of this assignment:

  1. Discuss the type of practice and setting you would like to work out of (specialty, family, geriatrics, hospital, nursing home, hospice, urgent care, etc.). What makes for an ideal work environment? What type of support system and staff do you need? What services do you see yourself providing? What services are you NOT willing to or are not comfortable providing?
  2. How will you meet your CME requirements while practicing in this setting? How will you keep track of your CME hours?
  3. What nursing organization(s) interest you, and how will joining an organization benefit you in your position?
  4. Once you have met the requirements for autonomy in your state while working at your current position, and for those of you who practice in a lifetime of collaboration state, assume you will one day have autonomy. How will you maintain your collaborative relationships with other nurse practitioners you have worked with, the practitioners you have referred to, and your collaborative physician?

Part 2 of the assignment:

You’ve just been offered a position at the perfect job you discussed in Part 1 of the assignment.

Besides focusing on patients, reaching a fair and equitable contract that includes not only your salary and benefits but expectations of your patient load, the amount of time you will be spending at the clinic or a health care setting, and the services you will be providing, will affect how you feel about your job over time. It’s time now to consider the position’s job offer.

Part 2:

  1. What questions should you ask your potential future employer about the offer?
  2. What salary and bonus structure are acceptable to you?
  3. How can you figure out your net worth for the practice?
  4. If you are expected to take call, what percentage of your salary is reasonable toward this activity?
  5. List the benefits you should negotiate into your contract.
  6. Discuss the practice expectations with your employer. How can you be sure that you are being asked to practice within the scope of your practice?

You are to follow the 10/20/30 rule for presentations: up to 10 slides, presentation not longer than 20 minutes, and text not lower than 30-point font.

Assignment Rubric

50 to >45.0 pts Excellent 90%– 100% Presentation is formatted in a very clear and professional business manner. All questions listed in Part 1 are addressed. Response uses a professional tone.45 to >40.0 pts Good 80%–89% Presentation is formatted in a very clear and professional business manner. A maximum of one – two questions listed in Part 1 are missing. Response uses a professional tone.40 to >35.0 pts Fair 70%–79% Presentation is formatted in a somewhat clear and professional business manner. A maximum of three – four questions listed in Part 1 are missing. Tone is not uniformly professional.35 to >0 pts Poor 0%–69% Presentation is not formatted correctly and has errors in professional business manner. More than four questions listed in Part 1 are missing. Tone is not uniformly professional.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Part 2: Briefly discuss employment offer, salary and bonus structure, contract negotiation, benefits, and practice expectations. 
50 to >45.0 pts Excellent 90%– 100% Presentation is formatted in a very clear and professional business manner. All questions listed in Part 2 are addressed. Response uses a professional tone.45 to >40.0 pts Good 80%–89% Presentation is formatted in a very clear and professional business manner. A maximum of one – two questions listed in Part 2 are missing. Response uses a professional tone.40 to >35.0 pts Fair 70%–79% Presentation is formatted in a somewhat clear and professional business manner. A maximum of three – four questions listed in Part 2 are missing. Tone is not uniformly professional.35 to >0 pts Poor 0%–69% Presentation is not formatted correctly and has errors in professional business manner. More than four questions listed in Part 2 are missing. Tone is not uniformly professional.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Design: Slides display elements of effective design. Fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. are effective, consistent and appropriate to the topic. Text is clear and easy for the audience to see. 8 – 10 slides are presented Text is no lower than 30 points in size. 
25 to >22.0 pts Excellent 90%–100% PPT slides display elements of effective design. Fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. are effective, consistent and appropriate to the topic. Text is clear and easy for the audience to see. 8- 10 slides are presented Text is no lower than 30 points in size.22 to >20.0 pts Good 80%–89% PPT slides display elements of effective design. Fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. are effective, consistent and appropriate to the topic. Text is clear and easy for the audience to see. Less than 8 or more than 10 slides are presented. Text is no lower than 30 points in size.20 to >17.0 pts Fair 70%–79% PPT slides display some elements of effective design. Fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. are not consistent and appropriate to the topic on all slides. Text is unclear and not easy for the audience to see. Less than 8 or more than 10 slides are presented. Text varies in size from slide to slide.17 to >0 pts Poor 0%– 69% PPT slides and formatting detracts from the content and/ or are inappropriate for business. Several or all components are vague, inaccurate, or missing.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Narrated Presentation: Presenter was familiar with the material and did not read from slides. It is evident that the presentation was rehearsed. Presenter spoke clearly and slowly enough to be heard by the audience. Presenter showed enthusiasm for the subject matter and encouraged audience interest. 
20 to >18.0 pts Excellent 90%–100% Presenter was familiar with the material and did not read from slides. It is evident that the presentation was rehearsed. Presenter spoke clearly and slowly enough to be heard by the audience. Presenter showed enthusiasm for the subject matter and encouraged audience interest.18 to >16.0 pts Good 80%–89% Presenter was familiar with the material and did not read from slides. The presentation does not appear to have been rehearsed. Presenter spoke clearly and slowly enough to be heard by the audience. Presenter does not show enthusiasm for the subject matter and does not encourage audience interest.16 to >14.0 pts Fair 70%–79% Presenter was somewhat familiar with the material and read off the slides. The presentation does not appear to have been rehearsed. Presenter spoke unclear and was too fast to be heard by the audience. Presenter does not show enthusiasm for the subject matter and does not encourage audience interest.14 to >0 pts Poor 0%– 69% The was no narrated presentation accompanied with the slides.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Written Expression and Formatting – The assignment follows correct APA format for PPT presentations. Reference list slide included. 
5 to >4.0 pts Excellent 90%–100% Uses correct APA format with no errors.4 to >3.0 pts Good 80%–89% Contains 1 or 2 APA format errors.3 to >2.0 pts Fair 70%–79% Contains several (3 or 4) APA format errors.2 to >0 pts Poor 0%–69% Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
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