MS4LO40O Professional Skills for Business and Finance

Summative Assessment 1

Assessment titleWhat is Academic Plagiarism and why is academic integrity relevant to Professionalism in a Business environment
Submission date and time17th November 2024
Word Count (or equivalent)1000 words
Where to submitBlackboard via Turnitin
Feedback dateWithin 15 working days of the submission deadline
Assessment Weighting50%
PSRB requirements (if applicable)N/A

Submitting, feedback & grades online using Blackboard

Main objectives of the Assessment

To assess students understanding of academic writing and plagiarism and to assess their ability to write using Harvard referencing. The assessment will also help students to write effectively using the “Fit to Submit” checklist.

The assessment will also assist students to make the link between Professionalism and integrity in university and the how that is important in a business environment.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
    By the end of this module, you will be able to:   LO1 Organise, structure and present information in a logical and coherent manner. LO2 Identify and select resources appropriate to a given subject. LO3 Cite sources and use Harvard referencing correctly.
LO4 Collaborate effectively with others towards the completion of a defined task (teamwork skills) LO5 Develop skills in oral and written communication in the Business Environment   L06 Develop an understanding of the importance of Business etiquette, and the importance of rules and values in an organisation. L07 Develop skills to be a Reflective learner and to use feedback to improve performance

Assessment criteria:

Assessment criteriaMaximum Marks
Cover Page/Introduction10%
Knowledge and understanding of the theory (critical thinking)25%
Ability to apply the theory to business context25%
Adequately and correctly cited and referenced following Harvard convention (minimum of 5 academic references/citations)25%
Fit to submit Checklist used, completed and attached5%

Marking scheme:

The work produced is exceptional in most/all aspects, substantiall y exceeding expectation sThe     work produced is of excellent quality, exceeding expectation s for this level in many aspects.The     work meets all of the intended learning outcomes and exceeds the threshold expectation s for this level in several of themThe work produced meets all of the intended learning outcomes and exceeds the threshold expectation s in some of them.The work produced meets all of the intended learning outcomes at, but rarely exceeding the threshold expectation s for this level.The work produced fails to meet all of the intended learning outcomes and is marginally inadequat e for this levelThe work produced fails to meet all of the intended learning outcomes and is inadequat e for this level.

Summative Assessment 2

Assessment titleDragons Den Presentation
Submission date and time19th January 2025
Word Count (or equivalent)1500 words equivalent (note it is a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation, so word count is not relevant
Where to submitPresentation slides to be uploaded to Turnitin link in the assessments section
Feedback date3 weeks from the due date
Assessment Weighting50%

Main objectives of the Dragons Den Assessment

Students will be required to come up with an idea for a product or service that that would like to get an initial investment of up to £100,000 (Seed Capital) Seed capital is the initial capital used when starting a business for covering initial operating expenses and attracting venture capitalists.

Students are encouraged to be creative about the product or service. They can invent a company name and decide where and how the business is located. It should however be a small or medium size enterprise, (SME) as it a new business idea. They can decide on the required workforce and what the investment would be used for depending on the product or service chosen.

Students should cover the following in the presentation which should be a maximum of 10 slides. Note that the quality of slides will be assessed.

  1. Introduction to the Pitch (1 Slide)
  • Outline of the product or service idea (2 Slides)
  • Statistical data to back up the idea (2 Slides)
  • Why the idea is investable, (Business plan summary, return on investment) (2 Slides)
  • What the investment would be used for (2 Slides)
  • Conclusion/Summary (1 Slide)

The presentation should last a maximum of 15 minutes.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
LO1 Organise, structure and present information in a logical and coherent manner. LO2 Identify and select resources appropriate to a given subject. LO4 Collaborate effectively with others towards the completion of a defined task. LO5 Develop skills in oral and written communication in the Business Environment L06 Develop an understanding of the importance of Business etiquette, and the importance of rules and values in an organisation.
Assessment criteriaMaximum Marks
Use of PowerPoint20%
Use of Data to support argument10%
Pitch has validity and is well argued10%
Presentation skills25%
Professional attitude and demeanour25%

Students are expected to present as if they were presenting to a set of investors and should present themselves in a manner that would be expected in this environment. Date/time/method of submission: TBA

The marking scheme for this is assignment will use the following criteria to determine grades:

Marking scheme:

The work produced is exceptional in most/all aspects, substantiall y exceeding expectation sThe     work produced is of excellent quality, exceeding expectation s for this level in many aspects.The     work meets all of the intended learning outcomes and exceeds the threshold expectation s for this level in several of themThe work produced meets all of the intended learning outcomes and exceeds the threshold expectation s in some of them.The work produced meets all of the intended learning outcomes at, but rarely exceeding the threshold expectation s for this level.The work produced fails to meet all of the intended learning outcomes and is marginally inadequat e for this levelThe work produced fails to meet all of the intended learning outcomes and is inadequat e for this level.

Employability Skills

This assessment covers the following employability skills, which you could demonstrate on your CV and at job interviews if you successfully pass the assessment:

  • Communication o Writing o Speaking o Listening o Presenting o Non-Verbal
  • Take initiative and self-motivating
  • Critical thinking
  • Can work under pressure and to deadline
  • Planning and organisation skills
  • Team working
  • Valuing Diversity
  • Time management

2                Learning materials

The reading list for this module is available on Blackboard in the module area and online by searching readinglists. This shows the real-time availability of books in the library and provides direct links to digital items, recommended by your lecturer.

Remember to log into Blackboard daily to receive all the latest news and support available at your module information sites!

Essential Reading

•                  Weerawardene, D & Byrne, P (2021) Academic Development and Employability. Hampshire:


Recommended Reading

  • Cameron, S. (2016) The Business Students Handbook. 6th Ed; Harlow: Pearson
  • Cottrell, S. (2013) The Study Skills Handbook. 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan • Dowson, P. (2015) Personal & Professional Development for Business Students 1st Ed; Sage
  • Gallagher, K. (2012) Skills Development for Business and Management Students. 2nd ed. Oxford: OUP
  • Horn, R. (2009) The Business Skills Handbook 1st edition; CIPD
  • McMillan, K. and Weyers, J. (2013) How to Cite, Reference & avoid plagiarism at University, 1st Ed; Pearson
  • Prince, S. (2019) 7 Skills for the Future. 2nd edition Harlow: Pearson

Online Library – Perlego

Students will need to sign up to the Perlego platform using the following link only which is specific to students at Oxford Business College. Once you have signed up using your Blackboard username and password, you will have unlimited access over 1 million books. Please use the link below to sign up.

Campus Libraries and IT Labs

Oxford Business College students can also use the physical libraries located in the various campuses as well as the IT labs. The physical libraries stock all the recommended and essential texts on your programme.

3                Maintaining Academic Honesty and Integrity

Academic Integrity means avoiding plagiarism and cheating and owning your work, the use of essay mills and AI content is also considered academic misconduct. This is when you submit a piece of work which is not completely your own, but which you are presenting as your own without acknowledging the author or properly referencing the source. All your work must demonstrate Academic Integrity; it must be an honest and fair submission, complying with all the requirements of the assessment. Failure to meet these standards of behaviour and practice is academic misconduct, which can result in penalties being applied under the Academic Offences Regulations.

4                Meeting Deadlines

You should always try your best to submit your work on time. You can submit coursework up to 10 calendar days late without penalty if you request an extension before the submission deadline. Without an extension, the maximum mark you will be able to get for that work will be the pass mark. (Please see Glossary for more details)

5                Getting Support

Throughout your course of study, you will have access to a wide variety of sources of support depending on your individual circumstances and needs. Your first point of call for getting general academic support is your Personal Tutor. As well as approaching your Module Leader with any questions specifically related to your module and your Course Leader with questions on your Course, do contact your Personal Tutor or Partnership Support Link Tutor for academic advice in relation to your studies and your academic development.

Oxford Business College takes pride in its student support, guidance and wellbeing, complemented by our ethos that every student is an individual. Staff are committed to the College’s mission statement “to provide each learner with the most positive learning experience”.

We ensure that students at the College can expect a supportive and responsive experience from the initial inquiry by completing a course and progression within or outside the College. This demonstrates our commitment to provide support for inclusive, high-standard students and provides students with a foundation for high achievement.

Our students’ changing needs and their varied reason for learning guide our approach to providing innovative learning opportunities from entry-level to higher learning that promotes individual progress. Either for personal development & wellbeing, academic progression or career advancement, whilst supporting those facing learning barriers to overcome them and succeed. The College is committed to helping its student’s Academic and Professional Development (APD) via examples currently in place, such as personal tutorials, a mentor system and pastoral care.

The college also offers counselling and welfare services to all students who may be facing personal, mental health issues as well as any other issues that may affect their studies and wellbeing. Please contact your student support/welfare Officers for more information on how you can access these services.

Our college counsellor Lynda is always available for a chat. You can reach her by either by emailing on or ringing on 07888327649.

There may be times when you experience circumstances outside of your control and talking to your Module Leader and other support services available to you will help keep you on track with your studies. If your circumstances mean that you are not able to submit at all or are unable to attend an in-person assessment like an exam or in-class test, then you can request mitigation for the assessment. Approved mitigation means that you can have another attempt without penalty if you fail an assessment or do not submit.

If you request an extension or mitigation before the deadline you can choose to self-certify, without providing evidence, so long as you have a valid reason. You can only self-certify three

assessments per academic year. If you have used all your self-certification opportunities, or requested mitigation after the deadline, you will need to provide evidence of your exceptional circumstances for your request to be granted.

To apply for an Extension or Mitigation, use the relevant forms under the appendix ensuring you follow all the instructions. Programme Coordinators, Lecturers and Academic Support Officers are available in all campuses to guide you through this process.

Please remember that your course team is here to support you so if you are having problems, let us know so we can work with you to find solutions and get you back on track as soon as possible. Give yourself the best possible chance to succeed by engaging with the full range of learning and teaching activities available to you. Please refer to the Colleges attendance and engagement


PolicyV12.pdf and also ensure you familiarise yourself with all the policies and procedures as well as the handbooks of the college which are available on the college’s website:

Graduating with a UWL degree will open up a world of opportunities for you, but we understand that the journey to get there is not always easy – especially when you are combining studying with work, caring for others, or dealing with illness. That is why we offer lots of support to help you meet your full potential.

Personal Tutors, Module Leaders, Subject Librarians, and Course Leaders

Your Personal Tutor can help if you’re worried about your studies, need academic advice, or want to find the best way for you to succeed.

Your Academic Support Officers, Lecturers and Module Leader can help if you’re struggling with work, don’t think you can meet a deadline, or there was something you didn’t understand or want to know more about. They can also help you with finding, evaluating, reading, and referencing sources. They offer drop-ins and workshops throughout the year.

Your Course Leader can help with any questions about the course you’re studying, such as any course-specific requirements or options.

It is very important that you engage in your course of study by engaging fully in your learning, developing a fuller understanding of your own progress and the importance of their contribution to the College’s development. You have to take part constructively and responsibly in self and peer assessment exercises and in the evaluation of college activities (including teaching and lessons). More details on student engagement policy is found on the link Student Engagement Policy (

6                Glossary and Acronyms

1.  Extension Form

An extension lets you submit your work up to 10 calendar days after the deadline without affecting your mark. You can only request an extension for an upcoming coursework assignment. For a

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deadline that’s already passed, or a timetabled assessment, such as a written exam, in-class test, presentation, or performance, you will need to apply for mitigation instead.

You can choose to self-certify for your extension. Self-certification means you normally don’t have to provide evidence to support your claim. You only get 3 self-certifications per academic year, which you can use on either extension or mitigation. If you’re mitigating for a disability or condition supported by your Individual Support Plan (ISP), you don’t need to self-certify and can just provide your ISP as evidence instead. If you do not self-certify, you will need to provide evidence of your extenuating circumstances before they can be accepted. Good evidence would be a doctor’s letter or fit note, statement from a counsellor, hospital appointment letter, crime reference number, eviction notice or similar independent evidence.

A copy of extension form is available to download from your Blackboard.

2.  Mitigating Circumstances Application Form

A Mitigation gives you an extra attempt at an assessment you’ve failed or not submitted due to your personal circumstances.

Remember, you will normally get 2 attempts at an assignment anyway, a first attempt, then a resit attempt with the mark capped at the pass mark. There are a limited number of times assessments take place in a year. Mitigating a resit attempt may mean you have to wait until the next year to try again and could delay your progression or graduation. Get in touch with your Personal Tutor or Module Leader if you’re worried about impact of Mitigation.

For upcoming assessments, you can choose to self-certify. Self-certification means you normally don’t have to provide evidence to support your claim. You only get 3 self-certifications per academic year, which you can use on either extension or mitigation.

If you do not self-certify, you will need to provide evidence of your extenuating circumstances before they can be accepted. Good evidence would be a doctor’s letter or fit note, statement from a counsellor, hospital appointment letter, crime reference number, eviction notice or similar independent evidence.

A copy of mitigation form is available to download from your Blackboard.

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