MKTG20448 Research for Marketing

Research for Marketing 

Market Research Report 

Module code Level Credit value Module leader 
  MKTG20448              5           20  Dr.Paul Johnston 

Summative Assessment Brief


Key Details

BriefUndertake secondary (desk) and primary (original) market research that enables you to produce a market research report for the senior management team of your chosen entertainment and leisure brand
FormatIndividual report 
Word Count4000 words maximum, not + or – 10%)
Due dateHand-in date:  January 20th 2025 by 11pm Submit coursework electronically in NOW by using the Dropbox facility within the module learning room.  Please submit written work in PDF Format and include the NBSacademic  Coursework Front Cover.  
Weighting85% of the total module mark

Assessment task

Provide A Market Research Report for the Senior Management Team of your chosen Entertainment and Leisure brand 

To do this you need to provide a useful summary of the business background to the UK

Entertainment and Leisure sector noting key trends and issues facing Entertainment and Leisure brands to justify a need for further research. Additionally, the key aspects of the strengths and weakness of the specific Entertainment and Leisure brand you are undertaking the research for will need to be made clear. This will be your secondary data. 

Set out your research aims and objectives and develop an appropriate market research design. 

Demonstrate your understanding of the two main types of market research.

Undertake a quantitative or qualitative research task that collects primary data that can be analysed, and the key findings discussed.

Demonstrate your understanding and compliance with ethical market research practice.

Guidance for completing this assessment. 


Even if you done all other assessment tasks. Please be aware that your submission will be graded as fail if you have not demonstrated ethics compliance by providing your participants

(the people you have asked to do a survey or do an interview) with participant information AND obtained their consent. This must be done to comply with strict university ethics regulations. Participant Information and Consent templates are available in the Learning Room.

Your role

You ‘play the role’ of a Junior Research Manager at a Market Research Agency that is a member of the Market Research Society. Your agency has been commissioned by the senior management team of your allocated Entertainment and Leisure Brand for this project and provided you with the following top level and rather general research brief. 

To give focus to the research report you must undertake research on one and only one of the following   Brands which should align with group you have been allocated in your IMC and Buyer Behaviour modules. Each Entertainment and Leisure brand targets a different type of customer segment. 

Bodega –

Penny Lane –

Nottingham Playhouse –

Broadway Cinema –

The initial market research brief from your client who is the Entertainment and Leisure

Company management team

The senior management team of your company want to understand the important market issues, customer trends, drivers of demand and customer preferences facing the Entertainment and Leisure company you have been allocated.

To that end the management team wish to commission some secondary and primary research that can provide them with market and customer insights to help them improve their business, defend against competitors and avoid any threats to their success. 

This means that the senior management want:

Secondary research (also called desk research of existing information):

  1. To gain a summary insight into what is going on in the Entertainment and Leisure market generally, noting key consumer trends, and market opportunities and threats facing the business.
  2. To confirm the Entertainment and Leisure brand’s current company strengths and weakness (these are things inside the organisation that the company is good at, does well or not so well such as their customer service) In order to keep doing the things they are good at and improve the things they are less good at. 

Primary research: (this is new research done by you)

  • To identify and understand what the Entertainment and Leisure users (customers) think about their brand, and how they use its products and services. In other words, identify and explain customer attitudes, perceptions and behaviours of Entertainment and Leisure users and the sorts of things that might increase or inhibit customers using Entertainment and Leisure offer. 

The senior management team will also need an idea of likely project costs and timescales is also needed together with some potential recommendations.

Sources of Secondary Information to get you started can be found in the Entertainment and Leisure Market Links section in the Learning Room 

Assignment brief structure

This is a research project to support marketing decision making for your client the Entertainment and Leisure brand you have been allocated. Your market research agency has been chosen by the management team to undertake market research that will help them understand the UK Entertainment and Leisure market and Entertainment and Leisure usage. Their future business plans need to be supported by relevant market research evidence and insights that includes findings from primary research before they can proceed. 

There is a short reflection at the end of the report (section 5) that should be written in first person. This is a module requirement only and would not be included in a typical commercial market research report.

Your report:

Introduction [75 words]

A short handshake to the brief that you have been given you can use words like this e.g. ‘This research report is for the management team of [state your client Entertainment and Leisure company name]. It provides a [state your research methodology] investigation into [your Entertainment and Leisure research focus] 

1. Business Context from Secondary Research/Desk Research [800 words]  Provide a succinct yet informative general business narrative summary of the Entertainment and Leisure  market sector in the UK that adds to/extends the general case background that has already been provided

  • What is going on in the Entertainment and Leisures ector? 
  • What are the key trends and issues faced by the sector? 
  • What is the likely impact of these trends and issues on the way the public think and behave towards Entertainment and Leisure usage?  Identify and make use of secondary information sources. These can include academic studies in the field of entertainment marketing as well as managerial sources such as Mintel, Statista. You can also use other secondary Entertainment and Leisure industry sources such as:,

See also the NOW Learning Room for Sector Background information.

All of which need to be appropriately referenced. This section provides the business context for your project. 

Provide a succinct viewpoint on the strengths and weaknesses of the Entertainment and Leisure organisation you are doing the research for. Ensure all evidence is cited and referenced. 

As the researcher you decide what factors are deemed to be the most significant and noteworthy for the management team and its business to pay attention to.    

  • Research Aims, Objectives and Participant Sample [100 words]  Set out what you believe is the aim of the research from your agency’s viewpoint i.e.

state what you seek to achieve from the research. State the primary research/ investigative question to be addressed which can be expressed in the format:

‘The research project aims to find out…………’. 

You can also add up to 3 sub research/investigative questions. 

  • Indicate a sensible £budget the management should provide for this project? How much should a typical project like the one you are doing cost? (Use secondary/google sources to guestimate this figure)
  • Indicate suggested timescale with key project tasks, start and finish dates for the project. It is recommended that you back schedule from your assignment hand in date. A Gannt chart is appropriate here. 
  • Research Design [1000 words]. 

Explain the research approach you have taken for this project. Undertake a research project using one and one only research methodology. Do not do two types of research in other words don’t mix methodologies. 

Initially, define and compare the two key types of market research methodology (qualitative and quantitative) noting the pros and cons of each. Make use of academic underpinning/reading/references here. See core text.

Next explicitly state and justify the research methodology you have used by linking back to your research aims what type of research you have used including the sampling frame describing who your research participants were and sampling approach taken, the data collection method and any market research techniques you have used. 

If you are doing Quantitative research provide your questionnaire in table format (see seminar 5 slide deck slide 36 and use that). Briefly explain your logic for using each question type. i.e., The Question – It’s type (e.g. Likert scale, dichotomous, open) – Your logic for choosing this question type. Stipulate if on-line or off-line and why. Include this as a table in your report. It does not count to word count. Provide a link to your online survey for tutor access and include a screenshot of your participant information and consent pages and submit consent button. (see point 6 below)

If you are doing Qualitative research provide your question guide design in table format, include this as a table in your report It does not count to word count. Briefly explain your transcript coding approach that enabled you to identify themes from your participant interviews.

Provide all signed participant information and consent forms as appendices (see point 6 below) 

Outline the key ethical considerations involved in undertaking market research, state how you managed informant anonymity, participation and consent. (See MRS Code of Conduct and content in the module learning room.)

4. Data Analysis, interpretation and research insights [1600 words]

If you are doing Quantitative research:

Display and discuss your analysis using graphs and charts of selected elements of the data which you have decided are interesting and useful for the management team to know about and provide a description of the key facts that are displayed. Summarise with your opinion of the key findings. Suggest some business recommendations for the organisation. 

If you are doing Qualitative research:

Provide a narrative discussion of the themes/topics/issues that came from your interview/focus groups. Use participant quotations to illustrate interesting participant statements. Summarise with your opinion of the key findings. You might consider providing a mind-map of relevant factors/ themes you have identified. Suggest some business recommendations for the organisation.   

  • [425 words] Provide a short personal reflection on your thoughts & experience of learning about and undertaking market research. Write this in the first person. For e.g. What did you like/dislike? What is the most significant thing you have learned

about market research? You could use the Gibbs Reflective cycle to structure this section.                                                                                                                 

  • Include examples of the relevant participant information and consent forms as an appendix 

Direct and personal contact with the Entertainment and

Leisure organisations used as cases or their partners is strictly forbidden. 

Additional advice

For quantitative data collection use MS Forms to create your questionnaire

You only need to use Excel and Word for this project  

The use of SPSS for data analysis and display is not essential if you are doing a quantitative research project.  

Only use supporting appendices when necessary. PEST, Five Forces and SWOT analyses are not needed to be submitted. They are unmarked. 

Provide your academic reference list at the end of your report. 

Learning Outcomes Assessed

Knowledge and Understanding

Understand the marketing research process, particularly the importance of aims and objectives, and their use in addressing specific research problems.

Design and justify a suitable area of research within the marketing research framework.

Distinguish between the main research methodologies and a range of rigorous research methods or analytical tools.

Design a marketing research report that follows the ethical guidelines of appropriate legislative bodies including the MRS Codes of Conduct.

Consider ethically-robust methods for conducting marketing research and the ethical practice of those involved in data collection and analysis.

Skills, Qualities and Attributes

Evaluate appropriate sources of information and appreciate their contribution to marketing research decisions.

Conduct and interpret basic quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.

Manipulate data in a widely-used software package for statistical analysis.

Demonstrate effective written communication skills desired by organisational employers.

This is a practice-based module that will support your understanding and give you experience of a vital competence for all professionals in business and marketing. In particular the module will give you first experience of undertaking primary research directly with participants. Crucially you will be sensitised to the issues and practice of ethical research which is a central aspect of responsible business practice. Marketing Research is the source of innovative ideas, understanding customer expectations and satisfaction, and points of competitive differentiation and distinctiveness which lead ultimately to superior organisation performance.

How does this assessment relate to future employment?

The transferable competencies, skills and knowledge gained from completing this assignment which can be applied to work or work-like experiences include: Identifying relevant & specific secondary/desk sources for a given market sector  Summarising key issues and opportunities facing any business. Undertaking original customer research projects that assess customer satisfaction, attitudes and perceptions relating to products and services, customer behaviours.   Be able to identify & commission third party research agencies. Be able to brief and talk ‘market research technicalities’ with third part agencies. Be able to prepare insightful and informative research reports.   Help organisations identify and communicate customer value.  Help organisations develop differentiated value propositions. Help organisations develop Brand Identity and protect Brand Image Supporting the operational activities and sales and marketing functions  

Word count  

The report is not to exceed 4000 words (Not +/- 10%). 

The purpose of the word count is to support your writing development by encouraging a focus on clarity and conciseness, provide experience of writing to a specified word limit, which is common practice in professional and research environments, and support equity in grading work from different individuals.  

You are required to include the word count on the NBS Coursework Front Cover (available on the NOW module learning room) for all of your coursework, as an accurate statement of the words used. If you are found to have exceeded the word count in order to gain an unfair advantage, then your tutor can adjust your grade downwards depending on the amount of additional work submitted.  

If the additional work is up to 500 words, the overall grade for the piece of work will be reduced by 1 grade point (e.g. UG 2.1-Mid to 2.1-Low; PG Commendation-Mid to Commendation-Low);  

If the additional work exceeds 500 words, the overall grade for the piece of work will be reduced by 3 grade points (e.g. 2.1-Mid to 2.2 Mid; PG Commendation-Mid to Pass-Mid). 

These penalties will be applied even if the reduced grade is below a pass grade. 

You are advised to submit work that is as close to the maximum word count as is practical to enable you to demonstrate that you have met all the learning outcomes.   

Style, structure and presentation

Follow the report structure detailed above. For additional advice on writing reports please see NTU library website. 

The report should be a formal business report with a Table of Contents, all other sections (as relevant) and ending with a concluding section and recommendations.  Include list of references and any appendices at the end (numbered and with a title). Headings to be numbered throughout.  Diagrams and figures can be included in the text if applicable or as appendices.

Present your work in a way which would be suitable for an organisation. Your report should be clear, easy to understand, no typos/grammar/spelling mistakes, and, present information in the most appropriate way.

Style guidelines: 

  • Use 1.5 line spacing for the body of the report.
  • The Reference List is single-spaced. Left aligned text is also easier to read.
  • Use a business-like font like Verdana, size 10.
  • Number each of your pages, and include your student number in the footer of the page.
  • Use the automatic table for contents available in Word.

If English is not your first language, we strongly recommend that you spend time proofreading your work and book an appointment with the Academic English team or NTU Library. This will help to ensure that you do not lose marks through unclear or poorly expressed language, and will present a more polished, professional look to your work. 

Academic Integrity and Referencing

To demonstrate academic integrity, you are expected to use Harvard Referencing style to correctly acknowledge the sources that you have included or quoted from within your work. See the NTU Harvard Referencing Guide for full guidance. It is important that you do not copy sentences or paragraphs from any source, including previous student assessments that may have been shared with you, and paste these into your work as if they were your own words. 

All assignments will be processed through Turnitin similarity testing software and all cases of suspected plagiarism and/or suspected commissioning will be investigated thoroughly in accordance with NTU’s Academic Integrity policy. You are advised to submit your work to the draft Turnitin Dropbox folder to check the Turnitin similarity report for your work prior to submission. Further guidance is available on the Plagiarism and Academic Integrity at NTU NOW learning room.

You must declare on the NBS Coursework Front Cover (available from your module NOW Learning Room) if you have used Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to support the development of your assessment. Further guidance on accepted uses of GenAI are available on your module NOW learning room. 

Assessment support  

Each seminar from week to week 6 directly address an element of the assignment. Tutors are available to advise and clarify. Your formative presentation in week 9 is an opportunity to show your progress to date and to ask for specific guidance going forward.  

Submitting your work

Deadlines are important and must be strictly adhered to. You must submit assignments on or before the due date indicated by the module leader(s). Submitting your work after the due date/time will be considered a late-submission and the late submission penalties will be applied in line with the NTU Quality Handbook Common Assessment Regulations (unless you have been granted an extension via a Notification of Exceptional Circumstance application).

All coursework is to be submitted electronically in NOW using the Dropbox facility within each of your module learning rooms. There is NO requirement to submit a paper copy. Please submit written work in PDF Format. 

For each assignment you will be provided with a separate folder within your learning room

Dropbox which will normally be open for electronic submission of your coursework until 11pm on the day of submission. When you make a submission to a Dropbox folder you will receive notification within NOW of your submission and also an email. Please ensure you keep these emails. Technical problems are rare but should you be prevented from submitting and miss the deadline due to such circumstances, then you should submit your coursework as soon as you are able and email a description of the problem to your tutor (if possible include a screenshot of the issue). 

To help you manage your submissions within NOW, you can enable a Dropbox instant notification to alert you to when the Dropbox folder end date is 48 hours away (in NOW select ‘Preferences’ and tick the relevant check box for the Dropbox).

Grading matrix

Your work will be graded utilising the grading matrix shown on the next 3 pages below. This provides a standard benchmark which all assessments are graded against. Your final grade will depend on the extent to which you have meet the 5 grading criteria. 

Criteria  Fail Marginal FailThird Lower SecondUpper SecondFirstExceptional First
Demonstrates an understanding of the marketing research process, and more importantly   identification of marketing research problem and/or  opportunities    (25%)     The question is not answered as set. No understanding of the marketing research process. Very little evidence of research and reading. No useful and supporting materials.       Poor arguments and/or justifications.  Limited understanding of the fundamental aspects of relevant theory.  Little connection to the marketing research process.   Fragmented ideas.  Few supporting materials and/or an unsatisfactory understanding.  Relevant theory relating to the marketing research process discussed. Some justification for research problem or opportunities, although arguments are disjointed in some parts. Some evidence of reading and research.  Competent  discussion of the marketing research process with appropriate body of theory. Coherent and clear arguments with a few points being a little lost. Good justification for research problem or opportunities.      Theory and practice are well integrated with well thought-out issues being raised. Clear evidence of reading, researching, and a very good understanding of marketing research process. Clear justification for research problem or opportunities.        There is evidence of a compelling central message. Theory and practice are innovatively integrated in designing the marketing research process.  Assumptions are clear and there are no major errors of logic. Research problem or opportunities evidently justified. There may be examples of synthesis.    Content is of the very highest standards with theory and practice seamlessly integrated to create new insights.  Professional language used throughout. Arguments are persuasive and compelling. There are clear examples of synthesis.     
Demonstrates an ability to use and justify data collection methods, and to select and apply suitable methods  of analyses    (30%)       There is evidence of a complete failure to justify the method(s) used.   Inadequate data collected.   Insufficient use of data with inappropriate method of analysis.  There is inadequate explanation of data collection method(s) with no justification for use.  Data collected inadequate. No proper method of analysis used, or unsuitable analysis employed.  Some explanation of data collection method(s) but with no justification for  use.      Limited data collected. The method of analysis chosen is acceptable, but poorly applied.  Good explanation of data collection method(s) with some justification. Good collection and use of data. The method of analysis is satisfactory, with good application.   Very good explanation and  justification of data  collection  method(s) but  relies on standard  approaches. Good  use is made of a  range of  appropriate data.  The method of  analysis is  appropriate, with  very good  application.     An excellent explanation and justification of data collection method(s). Goes beyond the standard methods or strongly justifies their use.      Very good use is made of a wide range of appropriate data. The method of analysis is appropriate with excellent application. An exceptional deliberation and justification of data   collection method(s)  worthy of a professional researcher. Use of wide-ranging and appropriate data is exceptional. The method of analysis is suitable and exceptionally performed.                
Criteria  F  ailMarginal FailThird  Lower SecondUpper SecondFirstExceptional First
Demonstrates  an ability to  evaluate  findings and  draw valid  conclusions and  recommendation     (30%)           T e di c re ar th u v chere is very little valuation and scussion.    The onclusions and commendations e not related to e research ndertaken, or with ery few, if any, onclusions offered.  G e pr   T a re d c re re  enerally a weak valuation esented.      he conclusions  nd  commendations o not onvincingly late to the search.  S e pr C dr re p b al to di re  ufficient valuation esented. onclusions are awn and  commendations  artially justified ut may not ways be related  the evidence, scussion and search design.  T a d e b a re c ju fu m thhere is generally good emonstration of valuative skills, ut conclusions nd commendations ould have been stified more lly and derived ore clearly from e research. T g d e b a re c fuhere is a very ood emonstration of valuative skill, ut conclusions nd commendations ould have been lly justified. T e ro ar th d e e di re C re ar ju rehere is an xcellent and bust line of gument roughout the ocument which xpertly links the vidence, scussion and search design. onclusions and commendations e confidently stified based on search. A a ar pr th d C re ar pr st in thn exceptional nd compelling gument  is ovided roughout the ocument.  onclusions and commendations e of a ofessional andard and novative in eir justification. 
Demonstrates an ability to present information in an appropriate style, ensuring that the structure allows   logical flow of  arguments,  giving full details of sources used according to Harvard referencing standard (15%)     The structure of the document is ineffective, and several sections are missing. Referencing is very poor.  There are grammatical and/or spelling errors throughout.    The document lacks logical structure and does not flow in an effective manner. Some sections may be missing.   Referencing is poor. There are spelling and/or grammatical errors.  The structure of the document is generally effective but lacks logical flow in places. There are referencing errors. There are some spelling and/or grammatical errors.   The structure of the document is entirely logical and flows progressively. Referencing is mostly complete and correct. Limited spelling and/or grammatical errors, if any.The structure of the document is entirely logical and flows progressively. Referencing is in line with Harvard standard.  Grammar and spelling are mostly correct.Of professional standard. The report would be appropriate if given to a professional audience. No spelling or grammatical errors. Referencing is fully in line with Harvard standard.    Presentation is of the highest professional standards such that the report would be considered credible to professional audiences.  Referencing is entirely complete and correct.  There are no spelling or grammatical errors. 
Mandatory ethical compliance and primary data collectionC a pr a a coomplete bsence of imary research nd ethical wareness and mpliance La p in cock of articipant formation and nsent R p in co prudimentary articipant formation and nsent ovidedR p in co preasonable articipant formation and nsent ovidedG p in co prood  articipant formation and nsent ovided V  p in co prery Good articipant formation and nsent ovidedEx p in co prcellent  articipant formation and nsent ovided
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