Marketing MANAGEMENT (5S7V0029): ASSESSMENT NAME: Marketing Portfolio Presentation (100%)

Unit Leader: Caroline Evers (

Dear students,

This document contains important information about the assessment in this unit, from task and submission information, to marking criteria, feedback, and including guidance and support. Please read carefully. 


This section contains a brief description of the task for the assessment, assessment weighting, word count and associated penalties.
ASSESSMENT TASK Marketing Portfolio PresentationYou will present key information for crafting a Marketing analysis for a selected Brand case study. You will develop your marketing analysis through the lens of a marketing manager. You will present this information in an online presentation using PowerPoint voiceover function. You will be guided by key marketing checkpoints that will support you in defining and presenting your marketing analysis for your selected case study. The presentation should be designed and aimed at a panel of marketeers.

ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING:100% of unit mark
WORD/PAGE COUNT:10-page (max.) PowerPoint presentation using the voiceover function, including presentation script in the notes section of each slide (approx. 300 words per slide). 10 MINUTES MAX.
Reference list – to be added on a separate slide.


This section includes key submission instructions. Further detailed instructions are included in the next section.  
MOODLE SUBMISSION GUIDANCEPlease submit your assignment by the submission deadline date. 

You can replace/amend your submission multiple times up until the deadline time to check your similarity score. The score will be displayed immediately. After 3 submissions, similarity scores will take 24 hours to display. 
SUBMISSION FEEDBACK POLICYDepending on your level of study, you will be offered feedback on your submission based on the marking criteria (below).
ASSESSMENT MITIGATIONSIf you cannot submit your assessment by the deadline, please follow the information HERE on how to apply for assessment mitigations. 
PERSONAL LEARNING PLANSIf you have a Personal Learning Plan in place, please contact your department’s Disability Coordinator to arrange a discussion and agree on a possible deadline extension.
REASSESSMENTInformation about the reassessment brief, submission arrangements and reassessment support will be provided on Moodle.


This section includes the necessary information on how to approach the assessment.
ASSESSMENT DETAILSHow to structure your submission: You will create and present 10 slides (max.) using PowerPoint and the voiceover function – including an introduction, conclusion and 8 slides addressing 8 key checkpoints to guide the content. 10 MINUTES MAX. Reference list – to be added on a separate slide. You must include approx. 300 words in the notes section of each slide as a prompt for your script, including references to theory, concepts, and models. The checkpoints below will support you in crafting a Marketing analysis for a selected Brand case study and encourage you to reflect on your engagement and learnings from this unit. In crafting your slides, you should be guided by the following checkpoints: Introduction and Presentation OverviewScope out the context of the product or service sector Brand propositionTarget marketPositioning and USPCompetitive advantage in relation to the competitive setRoute to market & marketing rationaleBrand future innovations
You are expected to structure your document in the style of a professional presentation to be submitted as a PowerPoint voiceover File – a presentation, aimed at a panel of marketeers.  Ensure you include an introduction and presentation overview slide with your name and presentation title and an introduction to the presentation, and a final slide with conclusions and future thinking. Each slide should have a clear short header with graphics or short bullet points – No Long text or cluttered slides. Please cite all sources and provide a list of references on additional pages at the end of the presentation (include references to all secondary data, graphics, business models and theories included in your presentation). You must be specific, using relevant data and theory to support your presentation! Content must relate to your selected case study business context.You must integrate marketing theory and concepts from this Unit.You must back up statements with relevant theory or secondary data.We expect well supported, justified ‘discussions’ with critical analysis.Use the slide notes to cite relevant sources and justify statements.

HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE ASSESSMENTEvery session builds on the learning outcomes and will equip you to confidently complete the unit assessment. We will engage in practical exercises and in-session activities to help you explore your industry and business context. We will work on developing skills needed to find relevant research, generate product or service ideas and design, and apply marketing tools to line up your innovation with the needs of your target market. We will explore the marketing process and sales and marketing strategies in relation to industry relevant examples and work to apply sales and marketing concepts to your industry and business contexts. All sessions are pre-recorded and available on the Sales and Marketing unit Moodle page along with additional session notes where relevant.
FORMATIVE FEEDBACK & FEED-FORWARDThroughout the weekly in class activities, you will have the opportunity to receive formative feedback and feed-forward on your work and ideas. This will be personalized and focused on your improvement in this unit, and as a steppingstone to your other units in the programme.
REFERENCINGReferences are the items you have read and specifically referred to (or cited) in your assessment submission. Do not include a list of everything you read in preparation for writing your submission if you have not referred specifically. Attempt to summarize in your own words another person’s work, theories or ideas and then cite your sources. Use quotes to show the difference between the actual words of the writer and your own words, and always acknowledge your sources in references. Using references in reports and essays is the way to avoid accusations of academic misconduct, specifically plagiarism. From 1st August 2023, all new ManMet students required to use an author-date referencing style are expected to use Cite Them Right Harvard. This version of the author-date referencing style is supported by Bloomsbury’s Cite Them Right website and accompanying ebook.  The Cite Them Right website: Advises on how to cite and reference a broad range of source types in the Cite Them Right Harvard style. Encourages you to identify and correct any referencing mistakes via the ‘You try’ function. Provides guidance on How to use Cite Them Right  Offers an online tutorial and video guidance.  Cite Them Right content is regularly updated and new source formats are added, e.g. Generative AI. If you have any queries about Cite Them Right Harvard, please email   
ACADEMIC MISCONDUCTAcademic Misconduct is action that could give you an unfair advantage in coursework, exams, or any other assessed work. This may include improper use of generative AI, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, cheating, collusion, falsification of data, contract cheating, breaching Exam Regulations, or non-compliance with ethics procedures.   If your work is submitted and it is discovered that you have broken the regulations, the piece of work will be awarded zero marks or will be significantly penalised. Your awarding body will decide which penalty is appropriate. Please see further guidance on Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct Regulations.  


This section includes the marking criteria for this assessment.

STEP MARKING: In line with University guidance, this unit uses step marking. Step marking means using a restricted number of marks within the range of 0-100%. All marks would end in 2, 5 or 8 (e.g. 52%, 45%, 78%). The use of step marking shows the extent to which the piece of work meets a specific criterion within a grade range (e.g. 50-59%).

Please see the marking criteria grid or rubric below. This unit does NOT use blind marking.


This section explains how and why this assessment is important to assess your learning in this unit, and how it links to the outcomes of your programme.

Our expectations in this assessment are linked to the learning outcomes listed below. We teach, practice, and assess these outcomes in the unit. The learning outcomes are linked to your overall programme.

  • Programme: MSc Management
  • A1         How to systematically and rigorously evaluate the competitive environment that organisations operate within
  • A5         The role that marketing plays in the delivery of a successful strategy
  • B11       Demonstrate professional and commercial/corporate awareness.
  • Programme: MSc Management and Consultancy
  • A1         How to systematically and rigorously analyse the competitive environment that organisations operate within
  • B7         Possessing cognitive abilities for critical thinking, analysis and synthesis
  • B10       Demonstrate professional and commercial/corporate awareness, including data analysis, interpretation and processing
  • Programme: MSc Entrepreneurship
  • A1         Starting up and operationalising an enterprise to deliver a service or product that meets or creates a market need
  • B10       Demonstrate professional and commercial/corporate awareness
  • Assess the role of marketing, and how it fits into the management and overall performance of an organisation.
  • Justify the strategic value of a range of marketing tools and distinguish between effective and ineffective marketing practices.
  • Create a marketing approach responsive to consumer demand, competitive pressures, and internal resource constraints.
Assurance of Learning (AoL)
  • Assurance of learning (AoL) refers to the systematic processes and assessment plans that demonstrate that learners achieve learning competencies for the programs in which they participate. AoL also includes the processes of identifying competency gaps and designing and implementing changes to the curriculum and learning experience so the learning competencies are met.
  • Please include PRSB requirements information, if applicable.


This section provides an overview of opportunities for both unit-level and university level assessment support.


ASSESSMENT CLINICSWe provide in-session support for assessment preparation at different stages throughout the module and detail guidance and assessment support on request.
ASSESSMENT 1-2-1 SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIESWe can offer 1-2-1 support throughout the unit. Please contact tutors to arrange a meeting if necessary.
OTHER UNIT ASSESSMENT SUPPORTplease see the session details on Moodle for specific sessions focusing on assessment support.


Includes details of study skills, library workshops and assessment support at university and department level. There is a lot of support and guidance available at the University to help you with your assessments. You can find further information on these services in the unit and programme handbooks.


This includes a list of essential and recommended readings to support you in your assessment preparation.
TEXTBOOKPlease see up to date reading list on Moodle.
RECOMMENDED READINGPlease see reading list on Moodle.


Useful information not covered above.
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