LH Strategic Global Communication (UK)

Assignment Remit

Programme TitleBSc Business Management suite
Module TitleLH Strategic Global Communication (UK)
Module Code32057  
Assignment TitleIndividual assignment: 2500-word written assignment
Module Leader(s)Hazel Westwood/Cristina Sambrook
Hand Out Date16/10/24
Deadline Date & Time 07/01/2412pm 
Feedback Post Date05/02/24
Assignment FormatOther
Assignment Length2,500 words
Submission Format  OnlineIndividual

Module Learning Outcomes:

This assignment is designed to assess the following module learning outcomes. Your submission will be marked using the Grading Criteria given in the section below.

LO1. Display understanding and application of strategic stakeholder communications planning and mapping across both organisational and management communications.

LO2. Apply a range of theoretical frameworks to manage communications and relationships with different groups of stakeholders in a global context.

LO3. Critically analyse and assess communication strategies in stakeholder relationship management, including customer relationship management.

LO4. Evaluate, compare and contrast communication strategies across leadership communications.

LO5. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of societal and managerial culture, and the underlying attitudes, values and behaviours of different cultures (additionally assessed by group assignment

LOs 4 & 5 are additionally assessed via the group assignment, along with LO6

Assignment: Individual Written Strategic Communications Plan to Resolve a Current Issue for a Global Organisation.

Devise and write a full strategic communications plan for a specified global organisation, company, service, or brand of your choice, based on an identified current issue which requires to be managed.  Choose your own multi-national case, where an issue has yet to be resolved, to analyse and develop a Strategic Communications plan for. Please note a marketing plan is not appropriate for this assignment, therefore an issue which is solely about increasing sales or market share is not an appropriate choice of case for this assignment.

Your plan should incorporate:

  • Clear identification of an existing issue currently being faced by a specified global organisation, with prepared responses to the issue and any associated arising issues.
  • A focused, stakeholder communications aim and objectives which your plan will deliver. This requires strong, evidenced argument and the building of a robust case.
  • Effective use of stakeholder mapping to prioritise and drive the communications strategy. 
  • A communications plan using a recognised communications planning framework and include situation analysis, objectives, strategy, tactics, and how success of the plan will be evaluated.
  • A detailed implementation plan including timescale, approach and examples of key messages to address your chosen communications aim and objectives.
  • The plan may only use a budget of £5,000 to achieve your aim and objectives, via strategic communication. 
  • Your essay should be presented in report-style with appropriate academic evidence, frameworks and references

Grading Criteria / Marking Rubric

Your submission will be graded according to the following criteria:

Addressing the set question – including the appropriateness of the chosen case/plan

  1. Addressing the set question – including the appropriateness of the chosen case and plan.
  2. Clarity of argument- from rationale for the plan to prioritising of stakeholders and delivery of the comms strategy. How well argument is supported.
  3. Insight, analysis, and creative application – how insightful is the plan, is sufficient situational and stakeholder analysis evidenced, are creative solutions delivered?   
  4. Structure – including the way in which structure supports the robustness of the plan and the argument and analysis behind it. 
  5. Referencing and Presentation

See the marking rubric at the end of the remit for more information on how your work will be marked and graded. 

Ethical Use of Generative AI (GenAI)

 For this assignment you are permitted to use GenAI to support your submission, but only for the following activities:

  • Information retrieval and background research on the current case you are selecting for the assignment. But note the case is required to be a current and unresolved issue, so Gen AI cannot be relied upon to be sufficiently up to date in the information it provides.
  • Refining objectives for your communications plan. Note, Gen AI may, or may not be useful in refining objectives as for this assignment objectives must be SMART objectives and notably specific to your chosen case.
  • Checking spelling and grammar.

If using GenAI tools, you must exert your own careful oversight and control of any generated content and reference accordingly. You should forensically review and use the results selectively as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete, uncritical,  biased or outdated.

You may not submit any work generated by an AI tool as your own. Where you include any material generated by an AI tool, it should be properly declared just like any other reference material. Alongside your assignment you should also provide a commentary in the Cover Sheet detailing how GenAI has been used to develop your final submission. If you have not used GenAI tools, you should clearly state so.

Plagiarism, including that which results from using GenAI, is a form of academic misconduct that will be dealt with under the University’s Code of Practice on Academic Integrity. https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/registry/policy/conduct/plagiarism/index.aspx

University guidance on ethical use of GenAI can be found here:


Further Guidance: 

Feedback to Students:

Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their learning that feed forward into following assessment tasks. There is also in workshop opportunity to test the appropriateness of you chosen case for the assignment. The preparation for all assessment tasks will be supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars. Written feedback is provided as appropriate.  Please be aware to use a web browser and not the Canvas App as you may not be able to view all comments. 


It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your information sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the assessment regulations. More information is available at University’s Code of Practice on Academic Integrity  https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/registry/policy/conduct/plagiarism/index.aspx. 

Wellbeing, Extensions and Extenuating Circumstances:

The processes for extensions and extenuating circumstances (ECs) are to support students who have experienced unforeseen issues that have impacted their ability to engage with their studies and/or complete assessments. Students should notify Wellbeing of any extenuating circumstances as soon as possible via the online form, following the guidance provided.


Marking Rubric:  

Note that the information below is guidance and feedback only and not a quantitative measure to calculate the grade. 

The final grade represents the overall quality of the work taking these criteria into account but is the academic judgement of the marker(s).

CriteriaClass I 70% or moreClass II – Upper Division 60-69%Class II – Lower Division 50-59%Class III 40-49%Fail 0-39%
Addressing the set question – including the appropriateness of the chosen caseExcellent response to a highly appropriate selected case. All elements are exhaustively discussed and sustained, through to a coherent, and convincing communications plan.Very good response to the set task, with a selected case appropriate to the task. Overall, discussion is coherent with very good coverage of each required element, including the communications plan.Good response overall. The question is addressed by argument that is sufficiently detailed. Some of the required elements are better discussed than others.One of the main required elements of the task is poorly or completely lacking, but there is evidence of the question being addressing elsewhere.Poor or absent response to the requirement of the set task. There is no clear discussion of the strategy required or the case chosen does not meet the requirement of the task.
Clarity of argumentExcellent response. All elements are exhaustively addressed. Sustained, coherent, convincing, very well-organised, and fully supportedVery good level of critical argument with elements answered coherently and very well supported.Good level of argument, mostly well supported. Argument is missing or inadequately developed for one key element of the set task. Elsewhere there is sufficient evidence ofPoor or absent response with inadequate understanding of concepts required to address the question. Argument often confused, unsupported
 critical arguments presented throughout.  understanding overall.  and/or irrelevant to the set task. 
Insight, analysis and creative applicationAn excellent depth of insight into the chosen issue is demonstrated through depth of critical analysis. With  strong creative solutions offered in the Communications plan.Very good level of insight and critical analysis overall, with creative thought evidenced in the communications plan.A good level of critical analysis overall with some elements, like creative application, needing further development.  Either limited insight and analysis, or limited creative application is evidenced.  Insight into the chosen issue is lacking, with poor or absent analysis of the issue and stakeholders. Creative application is limited or completely absent.
StructureA robustly structured assignment and Communications plan, with strong logical flow throughout.Very good standard of structure which supports and the strengthens the assignment overall.Overall, a wellstructured assignment which is for the most part understandable, relevant and organised.  Structure could be a little more organised to better support the assignment. Structure has no organisation nor logical flow and impedes rather than supports the assignment and communications plan.
Referencing and presentationAn excellent standard of presentation that is well written with very wellselected, effective, and relevant use of academicVery good depth of reading and an effective, accurate and appropriate use of academic literature and frameworks. Correct HarvardGood familiarity with key academic literature and other appropriate resources. Some issues with referencingPresentation could be improved in one or more areas. Some errors in use of Academic English.Referencing is either poor or absent with no demonstrated familiarity with key literature and resources. Incorrect use of Academic English which
 literature and frameworks, evidencing further reading. All sources are correctly referenced using Harvard referencing style.style referencing. Referenced sources are rather limited.  disrupts meaning.

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