Let yit = 1 or 0 for observation t on subject i, i = 1,…, n, t = 1, …, T. Let y.t = ∑i yit/n, yi. = ∑t yit/T, and y.. = ∑i ∑t yit/nT.
a. Regard {yi+} as fixed. Suppose that each way to allocate the yi+ “successes” to yi+ of the observations is equally likely. Show that E(Yit) = yi, var(Yit) = yi.(1 – yi), and cov(Yit, Yik) = – yi.(1 – yi.)/(T – 1) for t ≠ k. [The covariance is the same for any pair of cells in the same row, and var(∑t Yit) = 0 since yi+ is fixed.]
b. Refer to part (a). For large n with independent subjects, explain why (Y.1,…, Y.T) is approximately multivariate normal with pairwise correlation ρ = –1/(T – 1). Conclude that Cochran’s Q statistic (Cochran 1950)
is approximately chi-squared with df = (T – 1). [One way notes that if (X1,…, XT) is multivariate normal with common mean and common variance σ2 and common correlation ρ for pairs (Xt, Xk), then ∑(Xt – X̅)2/σ2(1 – ρ) is chi-squared with df = (T – 1). See Bhapkar and Somes (1977) for slightly weaker conditions for a chi-squared limiting for Q than those in part (a).]
c. Show that Q is unaffected by deleting cases in which yi1 = … = yiT.