Jill is an actress who is hosting a fundraiser for the Break Free Society. She has agreed to do this for $40,000 which is half of what she normally charges. Thirty days before the fundraiser, the $40,000 was automatically deposited into her account. Jill has spent hours preparing for the fundraiser including making up jokes and stories about the Break Free Society. Jill is also an accomplished vocalist and will be singing at the fundraiser. She really wants the audience to be entertained! The evening before the show Jill started to have a scratchy throat and by the morning she had no voice left. Her family doctor has informed her that she must stay home and rest.
a. What affect will this have on Jill’s contract with the Break Free Society?
b. If Jill had produced some marketing advertisements for the fundraiser, would that have an impact on your answer in question “a?”