ing Balance sheet 31. Dezember (in EURO) Assets shareholders equity and liabilities intangible Assets paid in capital Tangible Assets capital surplus Investments other reserves 21 040 Total Fixed Assets 0 retained earnings Intentories 2 820 net profit for the year Receivables total shareholders equity 21 040 Temporary Intvestents long-term liabilities Cash 76 800 current liabilities prepaid expenses and Accrued revenues 4 980 accrued expenses and unearned revenues Total current assets 84 600 total liabilities 0 Total Assets 84 600 total shareholders equity and liabilities. 21 040 The initial cost of intangible assets was 85 000 EURO, their accumulated depreciation is 35 600 EURO, the current year’s depreciation is 9 780 EURO. The total initial cost of tangible assets was 860 000 EURO. Their residual value is 100 000 EURO, their useful life is 40 years. The depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method. The average age of these assets is 9 years. Among investments, shares and bonds can be found that have originally been purchased for long-term investment. Their total value is 85 000 EURO. However, a part of the bonds (8 000 EURO) will mature in the next financial year. The firm’s receivables include accounts receivable originating from the sale of finished products on credit. The amount sold was 1 000 units, the selling price was 25 EURO per unit.