In solving the problems of Section 10.3, assume that the compression member in question is an ideal slender; prismatic, elastic column with the stated end conditions. Also, assume that defections and slopes are small.
Determine the elastic buckling load of a 12-ft- long 6 x 6 timber column that can be considered to be fixed at its base and free at the top. Let the modulus of elasticity (in compression parallel to the grain) be Est = 1.6(103) ksi, and let σY = 6 ksi. (Recall that the fnished dimensions of the wood column are smaller than the nominal dimensions stated above. See Table 0.8 of Appendix
Table D.8: Properties of Structural Lumber* (U.S. Customary Units)
*$4$ = surfaced four sides,
All properties and weights are for dressed lumber sizes.
Specific weight = 35 lb/n 3 .
Axes 1 – 1 and 2 – 2 are principal ceotroidal axes.
Based on a table cumpiled by the National Forest Products Association.