In May 2015, Antonio graduated from UCLA with a degree in accounting and moved to Denver to look for work. Shortly after arriving in Denver, he obtained work as a staff accountant in a local CPA firm. In his move to Denver, Antonio incurred the following costs:
$275 in gasoline.
$250 for renting a truck from UPAYME rentals.
$100 for a tow trailer for his car.
$85 in food.
$25 in double espressos from Starbucks.
$300 for motel lodging on the way to Denver.
$405 for a previous plane trip to Denver to look for an apartment.
$175 in temporary storage costs for his collection of baseball memorabilia.
How much, if any, may Antonio take as a moving expense deduction on his 2015 tax return? Is that deduction subject to any conditions that could change its deductibility in the future?
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