Find a current (within the last year) news item or media piece that addresses one of the themes of the class (RACE, GENDER, and CLASS) and is relevant to readings/discussions.
Acceptable sources are news articles/stories, editorials, video clips, song lyrics, interviews, movies, magazine articles, and/or organizational activities. If you find something that does not fall under one of the categories listed above but you think is noteworthy, just run it by me first.
I will let you know if you can use it. I don’t want you to rule out something that might be a valuable contribution to the discussion because the source is not listed. Once you have selected your piece:
1. Describe the piece and include a citation and link to the piece (if possible). Briefly summarize the content and then explain how it is relevant or related to specific ideas/content from the course.
2. Come up w/ 1 discussion question for the class to respond to via the discussion board.
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