Essay #3: Analytical Compare and Contrast Essay
We have been reading and discussing Everyone’s an Author over the past few weeks. In our class discussions, we have explored the concept of education, technology, and the criteria used to evaluate such concepts. We have also discussed the components of writing analyses and writing reviews. The use of criteria is important when analyzing or reviewing any topic as it can be used to elevate or diminish the topic being discussed.
Are there any TV programs/films/video games that you liked in the previous seasons/versions/reboots/revamps than you do currently? Choose a program/film/video game that you feel has changed for the worse (or better) and write a comparative review. You will want to compare the past and present versions according to clear criteria that you establish. In your review, make sure that readers can tell what criteria you’re using for the evaluation. Whether you are giving a favorable or unfavorable review, acknowledge other points of view about it if necessary, and support your reasons with evidence.
Tips & Suggestions:
p. 850-865 & 1031-1037
p. 909-918
p. 229-245, 250-255
p. 331-335, 336-339 & 919-923
English 1A Rubric
Response to Assignment (critical thinking) | Organization | Language | Grammar, Usage, Mechanics | |
Excellent 90-100% A | Clear and effective response to all aspects of task. Asserts a specific TV program/film/video game and previous versions. | Effectively and logically developed, organized, and supported with specific evidence and clear criteria. | Sophisticated, vivid word choice marked by sentence variety and clear, concise language. | Generally free from errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Follows MLA documentation. |
Strong 80-89% B | Addresses assignment clearly, but responds to some aspects of task more effectively than others. Asserts a specific TV program/film/video game and previous versions. | Well organized and developed with specific evidence. May lack adequate criteria. | Strong command of language with some sentence variety. | Few errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Follows MLA documentation. |
Satisfactory 70-79% C | Addresses assignment, but neglects some aspects of the task. Contains a topic, but may be vague or undeveloped. Connection to previous versions may be vague or undeveloped. | Adequately organized and developed. Evidence is limited but still present. May lack adequate criteria. | Limited sentence variety and imprecise use of language. May be unnecessarily wordy. | Occasional major or frequent minor errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Inconsistent or careless attention to MLA documentation. |
Inadequate 60-69% D | Inadequate or inappropriate response to assignment. Does not present a topic. No previous versions mentioned. | Poorly organized and developed, presenting little to no evidence with regards to topic. Criteria is general and non-specific. | Inadequate control of sentence structure. Word choice may be questionable or unclear. | Accumulation of errors in grammar, usage, mechanics that frequently interfere with meaning. Does not follow MLA documentation. |
FAIL 59% and Below | Does not respond to assignment. | Poorly organized and underdeveloped, providing little or no evidence. Does not provide criteria. | Lacks basic control of sentence structure and use of language. | Marred by frequent and serious errors in grammar and usage that severely interfere with meaning |
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