Delight Life Insurance company is one of the leading insurance companies in the Sultanate of Oman and always on the lookout for talented, committed, and qualified people who are driven to achieve profitable growth for the company as well as motivated to progress in their career. You are a fresh accounting graduate and joined the company, as a part of your training manager of the company asked you to join as an assistant to the actuaries. As trainee actuaries explained to you that the Revenue account or Balance sheet of a life insurance company does not disclose the profit or loss for a given period. To ascertain profits or losses of a life insurance company a Valuation Balance Sheet is prepared once in every two years. He provided with you with amounts of balances of Life assurance funds for the previous year and current year respectively, as on 31st March 2018 is OMR 3,200,275 and 31st March 2019 was OMR 5,940,300 and net liability for the period was given as OMR 2,940,300. The other information also relates to the current period 31st March 2019 was given as Premiums collected for the current period OMR 3,872,500, an interim bonus paid during the period OMR 127,750, Dividend still unpaid for the 31st March 2019 was OMR 40,000 and surplus brought forward from the period 2018 was OMR 113,000. Actuaries also told you that the company is planning to create a reserve of 40% of its available Life Assurance fund at the end of 31st March 2019 whereas there is no change in net liability and other information related to the current year. You are asked to prepare:
a) Valuation Balance Sheet for Delight Life Insurance Company as at 31st March 2019.
b) Find the surplus earned by the company for the period 2019.
c) Comment on the changes of surplus earned for 2019 and explain is it advisable to create a new reserve.
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