Create a Web page that provides a form for a user to input their name, date of birth (via a date input), and eye colour (selected via a drop down box of appropriate choices, e.g. “Blue”, “Brown”, “Green”, “Grey”,“Other”). Provide two buttons, a “Reset” button, and a “Display” button with the following behaviour:
•Create an empty table below the form, where each column of the table corresponds to one of the input fields (i.e. you should create header cells for the first row of the table).
•When “Display” is clicked, add a new row to the table and clear the form: Each cell of the row should correspond to one of the input fields from the form. Note that each set of data entered bythe user (via clicking “Display”) should add a new row to the table. Rows of the table should have alternating background colours.
•Reset should clear the table.
•Each added table row should have a cell containing a “Delete” button, that when clicked, removesthe row from the table.
•You should also include a piece of text on the caption of the table that provides a counter ofthe number of data items on the table. Whenever a new row is created, this number should be incremented. Whenever a row is deleted, this number should be decremented.