Consider the figure below. Similar to our discussion of Figure 9.1. Suppose that video is encoded at a fixed bit rate, and thus each video block contains video frames that are to be played out over the same fixed amount of time, . The server transmits the first video block at t0, the second block at t0+ , the third block at t0+ 2, and so on. Once the client begins play out, each block should be played out time units after the previous block.
a. Suppose that the client begins play out as soon as the first block arrives at t1. In the figure below, how many blocks of video (including the first block) will have arrived at the client in time for their play out? Explain how you arrived at your answer.
b. Suppose that the client begins play out now at t1 + . How many blocks of video (including the first block) will have arrived at the client in time for their play out? Explain how you arrived at your answer.
c. In the same scenario at (h) above, what is the largest number of blocks that is ever stored in the client buffer, awaiting play out? Explain how you arrived at your answer.
d. What is the smallest play out delay at the client, such that every video block has arrived in time for its play out? Explain how you arrived at your answer.
Figure 9.1
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