Complete the following statements by identifying the appropriate term or concept.
a. A___________sets forth theory, concepts, and principles to ensure that accounting standards are coherent and uniform.
b . Information has ___________ if decision makers can use it as an input into processes that help forecast future outcomes.
c. ___________ indicates whether financial information depicts the substance of an economic event in a manner that is complete. neutral. and free from error.
d. ___________ allows financial statement users to identify and understand similarities and differences among several entities.
e. ___________ means that a group of reasonably informed financial statement users are able to reach a consensus decision that reported information is a faithful representation of an underlying economic event.
f. ___________ represent resources. claims 10 resources. or interests in resources as of a specific point in time and appear on the (statement of financial position).
g . An____________ involves a buyer and seller who are independent and unrelated parties, each bargaining to maximize his or her own wealth.
h. The ___________ indicates that accountants will record transactions and prepare as if the entity will continue to operate for an indefinite period of time unless there is evidence to the contrary.
i. The ___________specifies that an economic entity can divide its life into artificial time periods for the purpose of providing periodic reports on its economic activities.
J· Financial information is___________if it is capable of making a difference in decision making by exhibiting the following attributes: predictive value, confirmatory value, and materiality.
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