Case Study: Anxiety Case
FD is a 55-year-old businessperson who lives in a very rural area and travels 2 out of 4 weeks every month. Throughout his adulthood, he had been in excellent health, maintained an appropriate weight, and worked out regularly. This past year, he lost some weight without trying or making any adjustments to his lifestyle or diet. FD has no known drug allergies. His only medication is Atorvastatin 10mg po daily.
More important, however, he reported to his primary care provider that lately he had been irritable, restless, and easily angered. He also said he had difficulty falling asleep and was tired all the time. On a recent out-of-town trip, he awakened in the middle of the night with intense clammy sweating, shortness of breath, heart pounding and racing, and an overwhelming sense of dread. He could not focus his thinking and was sure he was going to die. By the time he decided to call the front desk to ask for a doctor, his symptoms seemed to abate. However, he told you, his primary care provider, that he has become increasingly anxious around traveling and was no longer comfortable taking another out-of-town trip
His physical examination revealed no abnormalities nor did a regular electrocardiogram (ECG) and a stress echo ECG. You suggest that FD had experienced a panic attack.
What would you prescribe for FD? What counseling points do you give FD? What type of follow-up do you recommend?
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