This assignment is worth 100% of the module mark.
Word limit: 1750 words
This excludes bibliography and footnotes. Footnotes may only contain citations; no other text or argument development. If you exceed the word count, marks will be deducted
o An inaccurate word count, or a failure to provide any word count, will result in 5 marks being deducted.
· Your submission MUST be in MICROSOFT WORD format (.docx or .doc). Other formats will not be marked.
· The use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to create work of which you are not the author is strictly prohibited and is an academic offence.
Answer the following question
Describe what answer a follower of Rawls would give to ONE of the following questions:
a) How to bring about a just distribution of material resources
b)Whether a good lawyer needs a sense of justice
c)Whether the law should be gender neutral
d)How to fairly distribute the burden of the environmental harms caused by economic activity
e)How and to what extent the law should aim to eliminate indirect discrimination on grounds of race
f) Whether the provision of legal services can be left to the market
What, if anything, does your answer tell you about the plausibility of Rawls’ theory?
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