Although everyone is confronted with problems, because

Although everyone is confronted with problems, because leaders are connected to a larger system, problem solving can often have higher stakes for a group or organization. So, the ability to effectively solve problems is paramount for leaders. Effective problem solving has the opportunity to prevent damage, achieve a successful and productive outcome, refrain from negatively affecting others and in some cases positively affect others, and prevent a problem from reoccurring. Vignette Wendy is a part of the Homecoming Committee, and after months of detailed planning, it is one day away from the homecoming festivities. That day, the committee receives 1,000 homecoming shirts to sell the next day.

The committee had borrowed $5,000 from student government to pre-pay for the shirts, knowing that they would be able to sell t hem and more than make up for the money they borrowed. Upon closer inspection of the shirt, Wendy, who was not on the shirt subcommittee, notices a subtle racial slur on the shirt as it relates to the other team’s mascot. She finds out that the printing of the shirt was authorized by the chair of the subcommittee who had made some last-minute changes to the design on his own. She and others on the Homecoming Committee do not feel comfortable about selling the shirts. She pulls the entire committee together to brainstorm how to handle this problem. Should they not sell the shirts and fundraise all year to pay back Student Government, donate the shirts, cut them up, burn them in a bonfire, sell them anyway, or try to print new shirts?

The committee realizes that this would be the first homecoming without T-shirts, so they need to find a way to sell shirts. After looking at all the pros and cons of each possibility, the committee determines that they are going to reprint color over the slur on the T-shirts, and sell the shirts for $1 more to make up for the amount it would cost to have the T-shirt company send the shirts through another round of printing. The committee decides to make the best out of this situation by hosting a contest. When students purchase their shirts, they can write in any non-offensive, socially just words on the block of color on their shirts to personalize them. Then, the student who comes up with the most creative words wins a prize.

Consider Understanding how to identify and examine a problem, develop and assess possible solutions, and select the most appropriate solution to the problem. (Knowledge) Believing that the best solution to a problem is derived from careful identification and examination of a problem and its possible solutions. (Value) Being able to identify and examine a problem, develop and assess possible solutions, and select the most appropriate solution to the problem. (Ability) Identifying and examining a problem, developing and assessing possible solutions, and selecting the most appropriate solution to the problem.

Answer the following:

1. Do you think that different problem types have different problem solving processes? Can problem solving models be applied to problems universally?

2. Think back to a time that you effectively solved a problem. What are some lessons learned or best-practices that you can use to address workplace and organizational problems?

3. Think back to a time that you were not effective in solving a problem, what were some barriers that prevented you from being more effective? What could you have done differently?


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