All Countries are the size of the country (in 1000 sq km) and the percent of the population living in rural areas. We are interested in using the size of the country (LandArea) to predict the percent rural (Rural). The values of these variables for a random sample of eleven countries is shown, with the 3-letter country codes, in Table 1.
(a) Use technology to find the regression line using the 11 data points.
Round your answer for the intercept to two decimal places and your answer for the slope to three decimal places.
Rural = __________ – _____________ (Land Area)
(b) The slope of the regression line using all points except the US is about 0.08 . Compare the slope with the US added to the slope without the US. Does adding the US have a strong effect on the slope?
(c) Predict the percent rural for the US with the regression line found in part (a). Round your answer to one decimal place.
Rural = _______________%
Is this prediction better than the prediction ( 752% ) using only the data points other than the US?
the tolerance is +/-2%