After graduating from college and working a few years at a small technology firm. Preet scored a high-level job to the logistics department at Amex Corporation. Amex sells high-quality electronic products that are extremely popular among technical savvy young adults. Part of Preet’s job involves working with a team to oversee Amex’s contractors in China Amex contracts with factories across Asia to build components for the company’s electronics. Preet’s team was to ensure the shipments were as orderly as possible. Preet’s team had innovative people, and they performed so well the company began giving them more responsibility, including solving major challenges that arose within the factories.
One day Preet was to visit the factory in the Shandong province of China. Shipments were falling behind schedule, and there seemed to be more accidents occurring there. Preet was to observe the factory and meet with management to determine where the problems occurred. Preet looked forward to her first trip to China and to actually visit a factory to learn more about the manufacturing process.
When Preet arrived at the airport, the managers of the factory greeted her and showed her around. When she got to the factory, all of the employees were hard at work. One group of workers cleaned the components using special chemicals. Preet noticed they did not wear protective face masks, even though she knew the chemicals could be harmful if inhaled. When preet asked about this, she was told that face masks were recommended but not required because the chances of getting sick from the chemicals were low.
1. Discuss some of the choices of the firm and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
2. Describe how Jim takes a cultural relativism approach to the problem.
3. Since Amex does not own the Chinese factory, are they still accountable for the working conditions of its suppliers? why or why not?