You are a police detective. You have just been commanded by your captain to investigate a murder that has just taken place inside a New Cairo apartment. You arrive at the crime scene with your partner to find a man lying dead on his back on the edge of his bed, with a bullet wound in his head, and a gun next to him. You check the apartment thoroughly but find no signs or evidence of forced entry or burglary.
1 – What is the first inference that comes to mind?
2 – What evidence or premises helped you reach this inference?
3 – What assumptions have you used to reach this inference?
4 – What questions do you need to ask to test your assumptions?
5 – What type of reasoning have you followed to reach this conclusion?
However, after taking a closer look at the crime scene, you noticed that the bullet wound was on the right side of the deceased’s head, while the gun was near his left hand.
6 – Does this observation support or weaken your previous hypothesis? (Explain)
7 – What inference can you make based on this new piece of evidence?
8 – What assumptions have you used to reach this inference?