A health care issue that has been in the news lately is the computerization of health records. This possibility is being approached cautiously because of sensitive privacy and security concerns, among others. Computerizing health records could make it easier for patients to share their health profiles and histories among their various health care professionals. This could improve the quality of health care, help avoid drug conflicts and erroneous drug prescriptions, reduce costs and in emergencies could save lives. In this exercise, you’ll design a “starter” HealthProfile structure for a person. The structure’s members should include the person’s first name, last name, gender, date of birth (consisting of separate attributes for the month, day and year of birth), height (in inches) and weight (in pounds). Your program should have a function that receives this data and uses it to set the members of a HealthProfile variable. The program also should include functions that calculate and return the user’s age in years, maximum heart rate and target-heart-rate range (see Exercise 3.47), and body mass index (BMI; see Exercise 2.32). The program should prompt for the person’s information, create a HealthProfile variable for that person and display the information from that variable—including the person’s first name, last name, gender, date of birth, height and weight—then calculate and display the person’s age in years, BMI, maximum heart rate and target-heart-rate range. It should also display the “BMI values” chart from Exercise 2.32.
You will include comments at the start of your program with your name, date written, and purpose of the program.
Create a structure called HealthProfile
Add the following members to the structure:
– First Name
– Last Name
– Gender
– Date of Birth
– Month
– Day
– Year
– Height (in inches)
– Weight (in pounds)
Have functions that read in data for fill these “fields”
Have additional functions that calculate max and target heart rates
Have additional function that calculates BMI
Have a function that displays the data.
Call your functions in the following order:
– Function for reading in the data
– Calculating the Max Heart Rate (display this value)
– Calculating the Target Heart Rate (display this value)
– Calculating the BMI (display this value)
Use the test details as your guide for prompts and outputs in the interaction.
Ask for and store the current year as an integer to assist you in calculating the patient’s current age. You should do when asking the user for data for your structure.
Use the 85% upper value of the target range to calculate the target heart rate.
When trying to input the date use the following conversion specifier “%d/%d/%d”
Please enter the current year
Please enter the patient’s last name
Please enter the patient’s first name
Please enter the patient’s birthday as mm/dd/yyyy
Please enter the patient’s height in inches
Please enter the patient’s weight in pounds
The patient’s name is John Smith
The patient’s max heart rate is 183
The patient’s target heart rate is 155
The patient’s BMI is 33.278107