Let yi be a bin(ni =, πi) variate for group i, i = 1,…, N, with {yi} independent. Consider the model that π1 = … = πN. Denote that common value by π.
a. Show that the ML estimator of π is p = (∑i yi)/(∑i ni).
b. The minimum chi-squared estimator π̃ is the value of π minimizing
The second term results from comparing (1 – yi/ni) to (1 – π), the proportions in the second category. If n1 = … = nN = 1, show that π̃ minimizes Np(1 – π)/π + N(1 – p)π/(1 – π). Hence show
π̃ = p1/2 / [p1/2 + (1 – p)1/2].
Note the bias toward 1/2 in this estimator.
c. Argue that as N → ∞ with all ni = 1, the ML estimator is consistent but the minimum chi-squared estimator is not (Mantel 1985).