1. Identify the elements of consumer behaviours affecting your situation.
2. Outline the criteria that car owners use to evaluate service to their vehicle. Do those criteria change as the vehicle sticker price rises? If so, how?
For this activity, imagine that you are the customer service manager at Rodgers Chevrolet. You have begun sorting customer comments into groups based on the type of vehicle owned. Going back through a couple of years of feedback, you have discovered that Corvette owners do not feel they are being served as well as their friends who own foreign sports cars. Many comments mention the service level of Lexus and indicate that customers may be considering changing to a Lexus SC just to get the white glove service. In this activity, you will develop a way to serve your high-end clients better (base price of a Corvette is $45,000, compared with $10,500 for a Chevy Aveo).