Disney decided that only healthy foods could be advertised on its children’s television channels, radio stations, and websites. Candy, fast food, and sugared cereals were banned from its parks. Its characters could no longer associate with unhealthy foods. No more Mickey Pop=-Tarts or Buzz Lightyear Happy Meals. Said Disney chairman, Robert Iger, “Companies in a position to help with solutions to childhood obesity should do just that.”
This decision caused Disney to lose revenue, but also enhanced its reputation, at least with parents, who increasingly seek healthy food options for their children. And Disney also profited from license fees it received for the use of a Mickey Check logo on healthy food in grocery aisles and restaurants.
1. What is Disney’s obligation to its young customers?
2. What would Mill or Kant have said? What is the result under the Front Page test?
3. What ethics traps does Disney face?
4. Does this information make you more likely to buy Disney products or allow your children to watch Disney TV?
5. What is your Life Principle? How much profitability (or income) would you be willing to give up to protect children you do not know?