Analyze the following article:
3 Ways Performance Reviews Are Getting Revamped — For the Better, by Stephanie Taylor Christiansen, September 25, 2015, Forbes Magazine In-Text citation (Christiansen, 2015) Reference:
Christiansen, S.T. (2015). 3 Ways Performance Reviews Are Getting Revamped – For the Better. Retrieved from are-getting-revamped-for-the-better/#2135d41a69ec
1. Why was the performance appraisal first established? What was its purpose?
2. What are the problems with the Annual Review and how can it be fixed?
3. What type of Performance Review provides the best feedback? (based on academic data)
4. Link the Performance Review to Compensation. What is the connection between Performance Appraisal and Compensation?
5. Find at least three companies from the Christiansen (2015) article and another source who use Compensation perks that drive performance. More extensive research may be needed. Use your search skills. A minimum of three companies and what compensation perks they provide their employees. 6. After you finished your research describe in your words what you feel is the best Performance Appraisal method and why?