In the circuit, Vsl = 11 V, 1s2 = 0.3 A, Vs3 = 7.5 V, R1 = 34 Ohm, R2 = 16 Ohm, R3 = 36 Ohm, R4 = 31 Ohm, R5 = 20 Ohm.
In the circuit above, the current loops are labeled as “1′, “2”, “r and ‘4”. Designate the role of each loop for the mesh analysis that you will perform.
1) Find the current through R1 flowing upwards. (Unit: A)
2) Find the current through R2 flowing from left to right. (Unit: A)
3) Assuming that the negative terminal of the voltage source Vs1 is grounded (as shown), find the potential at the “R2-Is2-R3” junction node. (Unit: V)