A whiskey importer is planning his business considering that in the coming seasons he would have the following demands (in thousands of bottles):
The dry whiskey sells it at 34 monetary units per bottle, the age at 28.5. Each type of whiskey is made by mixing two raw materials, A and B, of which you can import a maximum of 2000 and 2500 at a cost of 35 and 25 monetary units, respectively. The dry whiskey must contain at least 60% of raw material 1 and no more than 20% of raw material B, the aged must contain at least 15% of raw material A and no more than 60 % of raw material B. Each bottle of whiskey manufactured in a season can be sold in that season or stored at a unit cost per season of 2 monetary units to be sold later.
Formulate and solve the linear programming model that allows optimizing the activities of the importer. Use the simplex method. Show all boards.