The transactions for bills, bill payments, and purchases

The transactions for bills, bill payments, and purchases for Your Name’s Pool & Garden Oasis. Cash control measures have been implemented. As the owner, you prepare, print, and sign the checks and any related reports.

Continue to use the Oasis 2018.qbw company file that you used in Chapters 1 and 2. Record the bills, bill payments, and purchases as instructed within the chapter. Read the transactions carefully and review the Chart of Accounts when selecting transaction accounts. Print reports and graphs as indicated. Even though not required, bills may be printed and are included on the Checklist. Check with your instructor to see if printing bills is assigned. If a bill is recorded on the Enter Bills screen, it should be paid on the Pay Bills screen—not by writing the check.

Record Transactions

January 1

  • Change the vendor information for Mike’s Cooling/Heating to Ben’s Cooling & Heating. You will need to change the Vendor Name, the Company Name, the Billed From Address, and on the Payment Settings tab the Print Name on Check As.
  • Received a bill from Giacchi Communications for cellular phone service, $485, Net 10, Invoice 1109, Memo: January Cell Phone Services. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 1-Your Name Bill Giacchi Com Ch3.
  • Received a bill from Office Junction for the purchase of office supplies to have on hand, $275, Net 30, Invoice 5895. (Since this is a prepaid expense an asset account is used.) No memo is necessary. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 2-Your Name Bill Office Junction Ch3.
  • Received a bill from Midway Motors for truck service and repairs, $519, Net 10, Invoice 7684, Memo: Truck Service and Repairs. (Use Automobile Expense as the account for this transaction. We will change the name to something more appropriate in Chapter 4.) . If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 3-Your Name Bill Midway Motors Ch3.
  • Received a bill from Mission Gasoline for gasoline for the month, $375, Net 10, Invoice 853, Memo: January Gasoline. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 4-Your Name Bill Mission Gasoline Ch3.
  • Received a bill from Ben’s Cooling & Heating for a repair of the office heater, $150, Net 30, Invoice 87626, Memo: Heater Repair. (The heater is part of the building.) 
  • If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 5-Your Name Bill Ben’s Cooling Ch3.

January 15

  • Add a new expense account: Disposal Expense, Description: SB County Dump Charges.
  • Received a bill from SB County Dump for disposing of lawn, tree, and shrub trimmings, $180, Net 30, Invoice 6567, no memo necessary. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 6-Your Name Bill SB Dump Ch3.
  • Received a bill from SB Water, $25, Net 10, Invoice 7098, no memo necessary. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 7-Your Name Bill SB Water Ch3.
  • Change the QuickBooks Desktop Company Preferences to customize the report format so that reports refresh automatically, and that the Date Prepared, the Time 
  • Prepared, and the Report Basis do not print as part of the header. (Verify this with your instructor.)
  • Prepare an Unpaid Bills Detail Report for January 15, 2018; resize columns as needed, print in Portrait orientation. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 8-
  • Your Name Unpaid Bills Ch3.
  • Pay all bills due on or before January 15, print the checks. (Use Pay Bills to pay bills that have been entered in the Enter Bills window.) Make sure the Payment Date is 01/15/2018. Use standard style for the checks. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 9-Your Name Cks 1-4 Ch3.
  • Add Petty Cash to the Chart of Accounts.
  • After obtaining $50 as a cash withdrawal from the bank, complete a Transfer Funds form to transfer $50 from Checking to Petty Cash, Memo: Funds Transfer to Establish Petty Cash Fund.
  • Record a bill from Repairs RX. Add this new vendor as you record the transaction. Additional information needed to do a complete Set Up is: 7234 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93110, Main Phone: 805-555-0770, Main Email:, Website: www.RepairsRX, Terms: Net 10. The bill was for the repair of the lawn mower (equipment), $75, Invoice 5126, Memo: Lawn Mower Repair. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 10-Your Name Bill Repairs RX Ch3.
  • Change the telephone number for SB County Dump. The new number is 805-555-3798.
  • Prepare, resize columns, and print the Vendor Balance Detail Report for all transactions. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 11-Your Name Vend Bal Detail Ch3.

January 30

  • Received a $10 credit from Repairs RX. The repair of the lawn mower wasn’t as extensive as originally estimated. (No Ref No.) Print the Credit Memo. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 12-Your Name CM Repairs RX Ch3.
  • Record the use of Petty Cash to pay for postage due 64 cents, and office supplies, $1.59 (this is a current expense). Memo notations are not necessary.
  • Write and print Check 5 to Repairs RX to buy a lawn fertilizer spreader as a cash purchase of equipment, $349, Check Memo: Purchase Fertilizer Spreader. Print the check. (If you get a dialog box indicating that you currently owe money to Repairs RX, Click Continue Writing Check. Remember, this is a purchase of equipment.) If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 13-Your Name Ck 5 Repairs RX Ch3.
  • Prepare, resize columns and print an Unpaid Bills Detail Report for January 30. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 14-Your Name Unpaid Bills Ch3.
  • Pay all bills due on or before January 30; print the checks. (Note: There may be some bills that were due after January 15 but before January 30. Be sure to pay these bills now. If any vendor shows a credit and has a bill that is due, apply it to the bill prior to payment. You may need to click on each bill individually to determine whether there is a credit to be applied.) Print the checks using standard style. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 15-Your Name Cks 6-7 Ch3.
  • Prepare an Accounts Payable Graph as of 1/30/2018. Do not print.
  • Prepare a Quick Zoom Graph for SB County Dump as of 1/30/2018. Do not print.
  • Prepare the Journal report for January 1-30, 2018, expand the report, resize the columns, and then print the report in Landscape. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 16-Your Name Journal Ch3.
  • Print a Trial Balance for January 1-30, 2018. If you print to a pdf file, save the document as 17-Your Name Trial Bal Ch3.
  • Back up your data and close the company.


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