Redo the two-way ANOVA in Exercise 3 using postquiz anxiety as your dependent variable.
a. Request a graph of the cell means, and refer to the graph to explain the results of the two-way ANOVA.
b. Regardless of your ANOVA results, test the simple main effect of quiz condition for each phobic group, and test all of the possible pairwise (cell-to-cell) comparisons for each of those simple main effects.
Data from exercise 3
Create a grouping variable based on an approximate “median split” of the phobia scores so that one group contains the students with the 55 lowest phobia scores, and the other has the 45 highest phobia scores. Then perform a two-way ANOVA on postquiz heart rate, using the new phobia grouping variable and the quiz conditions (last question easy, moderate, difficult, or impossible) as your two factors.