Select one of the publicly traded corporations listed below and obtain the most current SEC Form 10-K (annual financial report) from the company’s web site (Do not use the Annual Report that is sent to shareholders): PepsiCo Corporation
Calculate and analyze the following ratios for your selected company for the last two years from the SEC Form 10-K: Current Ratio Inventory Turnover Debt Ratio Time Interest Earned Gross Profit Margin Equity Multiplier Return on Assets Net Profit Margin Return on Equity (Use three ratio DuPont method) Compare and contrast your company’s ratios to industry and competitor standard ratios obtained from Yahoo Finance, Morningstar, MotleyFool, Macroaxis or other Internet sources, and provide a detailed answer and analysis as to why your company’s ratios are different than the industry/competitor standard.
MUST CITE THE SOURCE of the industry/competitor ratio information.