a) Considering your day-to-day experience in purchasing a product in the market,
how will you describe “product” to your colleague?
b) Nearly every marketing activity is influenced by cultural factors. Undertake a critical review of this assertion with particular reference to your culture and a purchase you made. (5)
c) Discus the buying process you will go through when making decisions regarding, say, the purchase of a laptop or any smart device for online studies.
(10) (TOTAL: 20 MARKS)
a) Several people are of the view that e-marketing has resulted in dis-
intermediation (i.e. the elimination of traditional intermediaries from distribution channels) providing countless opportunities and occasionally disadvantages for both marketers and consumers. Discuss these views and those opportunities and disadvantages from the viewpoint of the marketer and the consumer.
b) On the surface it seems a product is simply a marketing offering, whether tangible or intangible, that someone wants to purchase and consume. In which case one might believe product decisions are focused exclusively on designing and building the consumable elements of goods, services or ideas. However, the total product offering and the decisions facing the marketer can be broken down into three key parts namely core benefits, actual product and augmented product. Critically analyse how these key parts influence your purchasing
decision with examples.
c) Why do you think most companies make use of celebrities in their marketing
promotional activities?
a) Consider an organisation with which you are familiar, identify the extent to
which the customer is central to the business and why?
b) Choose an organisation either locally or internationally doing very well successfully, though operating in a keen competitive industry. What do you think they are doing to attain the successes they are accruing?
c) Discus the potential threat that can be pose by their competitors.
As a senior marketing consultant, you have been asked to present a lecturer to students on the survival of a product newly introduced into the market.
a) Explain to them the various stages of the product in the market
b) Discus the promotional objectives you will consider at consider at each stage of the market.
AN (8)
c) Do you think branding has an impact of the success of the product? Discus considering practical examples to illustrate and support your assertions.
Assume that you are the director of international marketing for a company basically in channel business of wide range of businesses. Your outfit depended largely on operations of channel members to make sure goods reach target markets or your clients.
a) In what situation does your outfit or company adopt multichannel distribution systems (hybrid marketing channels) and why?
a) Discus the cost you incur using the services of the channel members.
b) Analyze some of the issues facing channel members in their quest to be successful.